The UnOfficial Porsche Discussion for Horizon 3

Dear Turn 10, please bring us Porsches soon…

After a simple google search, I noticed that the Horizon 2 Porsche expansion released June 9th, while Horizon itself was released September of the previous year.

Forza 6 had a smoother release of the Porsche expansion with over ten more cars and three months sooner than the Horizon expansion. May 9th release date with another September game release the year before.

Fast forward to Horizon 3, we see another September release but, I am a Porsche fanboy in the greatest form and I ultimately sacrifice my patience for this expansion. I mean this in a joking manner of course but I do wish that the Porsche expansion could be put in place with the Snow related expansion planned for this years holiday season. I can live with no snow, especially with an Austrailian setting, but I really don’t want to wait an upwards of six to nine months for the gloriousness that is Porsches. They have sold infectiously and are the only thing I hear fellow players discuss under the topic of future DLC. I hope that we can see a surprise release before 2017, even if it is just a simple car pack.

Sincerely, ThatGingerGabe

P.S. I do not want to rush you guys, I have enjoyed all of the car packs and other downloadable content so far and can totally wait until May or longer, just know that we Porsche fans are here, and we are waiting.

So while we wait for these historically excellent vehicles to make it back into the game, which I believe is garunteed, why not have a fun conversation about Porsches. What do you want to see in the game? Which Porsches are your favorite? Do you agree that we should see Porsches sooner than May? Reply below and let’s build a strong Porsche community right here in this forum for Horizon 3.

We already have a thread for the discussion and requesting new cars found stickied at the top of the page, I moved your other post there.

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