December Car Pack?

I’m wondering if there will be a car pack this month along with the Expansion Pack or will this month just be the Blizzard Mountain or will we get a car pack also???

Car Pack too.

“The Car Pass brings you six monthly car packs (7 cars each) beginning in October 2016, ending March 2017.”

  1. October
  2. November
  3. December
  4. January
  5. February
  6. March

Expansions are separate from car packs, so the month the Expansion becomes available there will still be a Car pack!

Ok thank you guys. Was just wondering if it was different this month. I have the Car pass and Expansion pass.

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When will the December Car Pack be released? Does anyone know? Please let me know. Thank you.

I believe it’s the 6th of December. We normally get a clue thread first and usually it’s a good way to work out what may be in it.

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usually always the first tuesday of the month which would be tomorrow the 6th

Anyone know where the December car pack clue thread is? Or any accurate guess if we are getting the Porsche turbo s ?

It’s not an accurate guess. It’s a fact. No Porsche Turbo S.

I’d ask - which Porsche Turbo S - so many Turbo S models and generations to choose from but no. No Porsche until it comes as an overpriced Expansion, if and when it comes.

The newest generation, as that’s the one that was shown in the most recent Forzathon image.

I agree though, Porsche will, once again, be released as an “expansion” (read, glorified car pack).

There isnt a clue thread yet
Maybe friday
Not likely to get a porsche anytime soon either
Most likely next year in an expansion as it has with previous forzas

Yeah that’s what I was thinking. The Porsche expansion has been like that. I hope this time they include the new gt models. Like the all new gt3 and gt3rs and cayman gt4. So far both horizon 2 and forza 6 have been the same pack and leaving out their best models

I hope there’s not a Porsche Expansion. Why do they have to have special treatment? Stop being divas and join the lineup just like any other manufacturer, until then, don’t bother.


i saw this thread and got excited…):

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Any idea when the car pack will be released? :stuck_out_tongue:
Next Tuesday maybe?

yo the Car pack is being released on December 13th man we will get Ken Blocks Gymkhana Ford Focus in the pack but I am still wondering when we will get his Hoonicorn

No. That’s the expansion.


Yo the Expansion and the Car pack are separate bro

"yo the Car pack is being released on December 13th man we will get Ken Blocks Gymkhana Ford Focus in the pack "

Yo, you said it was part of the car pack bro. He just corrected you since Block’s Focus is coming as part of the Expansion not the Pack.

The Car Pack will most likely be released on the 6th, following the trend of the previous ones being released on the first Tuesday of the month.