Horizon 3 Porsche expansion

Why do they always make us wait for Porsche? They get the rights to Porsche and charge us an over the top price and they always hold it. We probably won’t see it until March! EA contract is over in January. I hope they grekease Porsche sooner than later, please turn 10

Oh god. These posts again.


Yes youre right. Porsche will be the second expansion not as normal car DLC. Dont post message like this - again.

We don’t know that for absolute certain


Exactly this.

Anything about the 2nd expansion is pure assumption, nothing more.


+1. I don’t assume anything until T10 announces it.

That’s true, Verukt, but I’d bet dollars to donuts it will be a Porsche expansion. I’ll personally come here and admit my wrongness if I am, in fact, wrong.


+1. I do assume because it’s the same pattern that we’ve seen multiple times in the past.

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Just keep playing. There is enough Forza to be played and enough FH3 addons to go through as well as in game/DLC content to become owner of.

What makes you think they have a choice? Have you read their licensing agreement?


In addition to Zeem Frostmaw:
Plus there is one more thing:
Releasing DLC/addons is their business for making money. Microsoft/T10 are not charity organizations, that work for gamers pleasure for free.

On the other hand that enables us to push on them for quality and introducing things from wishlist threads into game :slight_smile: . Clear situation.

I just hope the Porsche Expansion is the 2nd expansion that’s included in the Expansion Pass.

And I hope it’s not. Porsche is not an “expansion”, it’s a glorified car pack. I’d much rather have an actual expansion as part of the pass.

If Porsche is the second one then I’ll feel like I’ve wasted my money on the pass.


Well, I’m hoping this expansion with Porsche is not just the cars and new activities, but an expansion of the actual game map to include Sydney (not a portal microcosm) and Porsche ! Now that would be cool…yeah…I will keep dreaming on the Sydney part.


To be fair the last Porsche Expansion, for Forza 6, was really good, like a full Moments In Motorsport career segment with a really good track bundled in too.

I’ll be very surprised, not to mention disappointed, if future Porsche expansions revert back to “Here’s 10 old cars again, pay up”


I agree, I enjoyed the Forza 6 one, really well done with the journey through the history of Porsche. If they do something similar here, and pair it with a map expansion, I’ll likely find it to be worth my money. If it is just a glorified car pack, again, I’ll not bother with it till the price drops right down.

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Now which is it? Or do you just like to complain?


Apart from Forza 6, they’ve been nothing more than a glorified car pack. I expect it to be one of those, the previous Horizon one was nothing but that.

Easy money for everybody…

They better offer us some proper new Porsche (to the franchise) . When ya look at Assetto Corsa’s roaster which includes the 917K, 917/30 and so on… It’s time for a change.

If not, at least bring back the bloody '73 Carrera RS for pete’s sake