The network often drops, what should I do

I buy the game from Mircosoft store,PC version,My computer’s Xbox network ,NAT is open ,Server connection is connected,I can connect to online game mode.But I often drop the line,I tried all kinds of ways,I found that when connecting to Teredo server, the data packet loss reached more than 60%, and it was easy to drop the line.So is Teredo server a game server?
I from China,Is there any way to solve the high packet loss rate?

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I’d suggest dropping Teredo tunnelling if possible and seeing if the issue persists.

How to drop Teredo? My network only has IPv4,not IPv6.Could you please to tell me the specific operation method?

Easiest way to do it;

  1. Click Start
  2. Type CMD
  3. Right click the command prompt and select Run as Administrator

  1. Type/paste the following then press enter;

netsh interface Teredo set state disable

  1. Restart the computer

To re-enable it again if needed, do as above, but replace the command entered with;

netsh interface Teredo set state type=default

thanks for your method,When I did it according to your method, I found that the Xbox network NAT type display, Teredo could not limit, and the server connection display was blocked.I can’t get into online mode.So I have to revert to the previous state.

It may be worth trying to connect o a different Teredo Server. Here is a list from another post on this forum:-

According to a site i found, there are a lot of “official” teredo servers.

Suggest you try a ping test against these hosts and set to the one that returns the quickest response?
Then set that one to be used by running the following command in an Administrative Command Prompt:-
netsh interface teredo set state servername = Teredo host from the above list

Packet loss is always concerning though, especially a figure of 60%, so this may be network issue elsewhere in the route. Maybe carry out some further tests re this issue:- How to Fix Packet Loss – Packet Loss Test


Thank you.I will try