So, I got online for some Horizon multiplayer yesterday, and was deeply disappointed to see the servers were down, though I still managed to have at least a little fun with friends, despite not being able to access my club garage…
I then tried again this morning, hoping to see the issue resolved, only to find that they’re still down.
Is this the day I’ve been dreading - are the Horizon servers now permanently offline? WHY!!! The game just went on sale again with this week’s ‘Deals with Gold’ promotion, and I finally convinced my brother to pick it up - is his introduction to the Horizon series going to be a dead game…?!?
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I Have the same problema, please anyone of support cast have a word for us? I l Love the game and buy a season pass to get the best of this title. thanks.
The developers are aware of the situation and have the techs looking into the issues.
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Oh, thank the car gods - you saved my sanity, Snowowl…
@FarthestRocket6 - you should probably take this opportunity to play through single player to build up your garage and find all the discount boards for free upgrades…
I have the same problem and I never played this game online.
All good now, back online in Forza Horizon. Give it a go!
I recently got back into this game about 3 days ago and its been doing that same thing to me for the past 3 days. I was going to gift a few cars to my girlfriend on there and when I went to do it the error message popped up and I was like NOOOOO!!@##@#W!$@#!$!@#$ They really should fix this issue.
It is unlikely that the Horizon 1 servers are out. Firstly, because the previous Forza’s, notably the 3rd and 4th, still have their servers up even though those games are older than Horizon 1; secondly, the Xbox Live Market wouldn’t make a sale of articles whoms servers will dissapear soon. At this point, the Xbox 360 servers will crash in November 2016, in date of November 2013, when the Xbox One was introduced - but, that is not a confirmation, but an approximation, meaning that, it is possible for the servers to run later.
So, have fun people!
xxJASONxxBLUE : The servers are fixed now.
Glad everything is back and working again desperate to get the 300+ cars needed for the latest edition freebies.
Need to keep up the begging to get them in time