[Answered] Horizon 4 server unavailable

Hi i play on xbox1 for the last 2 days i have not been able to access the welcome back, find new tunings or designs and paints. Whenever i try i get a message The forza horizon 4 server is not available at this time try again later
All of my subscriptions are up to date and i have no other problems with other games or the internet in general.
Any help would be appreciated

Try to see if there’s an update for Forza Horizon 4 in your “Games and Apps”. My game did not auto-update when i started it and had the same problem you have. Looked in my “updates” and FH4 was there. After the update was done, everything was back to normal.


thank you so much i thought i had the xbox set to auto updates this has fixed my problem

hi i can access everything online apart from online mutiplayer forzathon trial events peeved because i cant get the rip rod this has been happening for weeks the game has updated very recently i cant do ranked adventure i cant even find a life session yet every other game on xbox one has great connection no problems
please let me know how to fix this

Does anyone currentle have server not available when trying to go to forzathon shop or auction house?


Yes it’s down for me too

Probably due to the update

There were some issues with server migrations yesterday.

If you are still experiencing issues connecting online please fill out a support ticket @ https://support.forzamotorsport.net