The End of the Road

Last Friday, I have bought Xbox One, and downloaded Forza 5. Honestly, I really liked this game; I met quite a few nice people who are cool, and I met some old friends, friends I have chatted with first on Forza Horizon. In this last sentence, you might have discovered someone who has gained a lot of experience on Horizon, who met a lot of people, who interacted, who beat the game ten times, who became a Gold 50…

In the facts, it has now been 3 years since my first touch on Horizon, the game that got me addicted for so long. On the first year, I played all the time; on the second, I played slitghly less; and on the third, time limits forced me to only play the weekend. I’ve reached Gold 50 a few months ago, and created a thread about it, many people visited to congratulate me and promote me for all kinds of stuff I don’t even need to elaborate on. But like any good thing, it must come to an end. And Horizon was a good thing.

I’ve been feeling so alone now here ever since 90% of my friends moved on to Xbox One, and since everybody decided to come back to Forza Motorsport 4. But, even with the worst feeling in the world , I’ve kept on playing, many nostalgics remaining, even today. In my years of Forza Horizon, I’ve beat the game three times, got 20 million Xp, 100 000 000 Credits, 1 000 cars… and met, naturally, a lot of people.

I am writing to you today to announce my retirement from Forza Horizon, possibly the best game I have ever played, that gave me the biggest number of memorable moments, that has been an near importance for me in my life: yes, I do need to do things. And Forza Horizon motivated me.

Given the fact that I hate Horizon 2 and that I won’t move on to it, that I’ve met everyone playing and friended those last ones, and that I left 360 (although I still have it), I think you can understand my retirement, which really saddens me. It’s making me cry… well, almost.

Thank you all for participating in the events with me now, for staying with me even though I probably made you angry, and for being so loyal. And also, oh yeah also, a big thanks to Turn 10 for making such a good game, that gave me hundreds of hours of pleasure. See ya where it counts, on the tracks of Forza 5 and the roads of The Crew!



You guys may not play without me now, and have fun and equity between the participants. I kept the crown all the time, was the last to get Infected all the time, and such. I was left alone; let’s say that it is quite discouraging.

SAY WHAT?! little bit confused by this one…

Just because you have a XB1 doesn’t mean you never have to play Horizon again. I have FH2 for the XB1 but play FH1 as much as I can as I prefer the playground aspect of it.

“Hate Horizon 2”??? have you tried it on the XB1? granted, from what I’ve been told it is poor on the 360…

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Agreed - though I’ve never tried it it’s well-known here that the Xbox One version is better. Please, don’t let the Xbox 360 version cloud your judgement. Why do you dislike Horizon 2?


Horizon 2 - A Huge Dissapointment. Why? On line mode is a disaster, and for me, on line is the only important thing; the rest is optionnal. Three maps only for King & Infected, which are confusing when the time to vote for map comes.

Even worst, my last experience was an atrocity one, and I don’t want to talk about it. (Please note that these things also happen on Xbox One.)

Numerous issues, little selection of cars that don’t interest me, and a tiny map made me throw the copy of Horizon 2 at the end of my rental.

But have you played it on the xbox one? It’s WAY different to the 360 version.

“my last experience was an atrocity one and I don’t want to talk about it”, Oh you have to tell us now! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It happened again this morning on XBOX ONE. I went to a Private Lobby with my friend and had fun. Public lobbies are what is wrong.

Please note, although, that I really enjoy the game.

But I just don’t seem to find good lobbies, where nobody trolls you. If it was an easy find in the first Horizon, it is clearly not the case of the second Horizon.

And an atrocity experience because of some people would go to jail if they would do what they were doing on the -real- streets.