The current playlists are optimal under the circumstances

Unpopular opinion: generally speaking I like Festival Playlists as they are (even though I’d make some tweaks here and there). I liked them in FH4 already and I find them much more interesting in FH5, with more complex daily Forzathon challenges or addition of EventLab tracks and Treasure Hunts.

I’m not completionist so I just pick activities worth 20 PTS in total (or more) that suit me and complete them in several sessions across the week to get some new (or “new”) car.

In my opinion car requirements make challenges more interesting (I like using many different vehicles). They remind me FH1 where almost every event required using a car from specific group.

I can even create an illusion of progression for myself, starting with challenges with the slowest vehicles and ending week with the fastest :smiley: