The Community Manifesto

I thought writing a bit of everything in one post could help them and of course, I’d love that all of you could write and tell what’s wrong, in what point you agree disagree with. I’d like this post being a discussion place about what’s wrong and what could be better, as I truly love this game, the Forza license, and motorsport in general. So if I can put my stone to the edifice I’ll do it gladly, and so are you.

Stability wise, the update haven’t fixed much I won’t lie, I still have the same problem I had since D1 which is when I put a livery on my car, the game suddenly goes to 20 fps and I have to re-launch the game to get my fps back, or when I do 2 or 3 races the game suddenly get a blow to the fps. The “update event” message we have at EVERY end of a race when we quit one is getting quite irritating. And also since the patch, my game crash at every end of a LMP race event.

Career wise, I did my part there, since I played multiplayer it’s been hard to come back playing in solo with those IA that are pretty fast, but yet very keen on doing collisions. They do make mistake and that’s something some other racing games lack, as most of the time the AI of these other games just follow the racing line without ever doing a mistake. Also, that’s my own thought, but you should definitely get rid of drivatars, first, a lot of people prefer being immersed with true names instead of a gamertag, and secondly, I don’t think those drivatars I have are actually from players that are decent at the game and that’s what makes it so “stupid” even tho’ the AI in Horizon is not that stupid compared to what we currently have in Motorsport. You guys should add drivatars from skilled players that have put some good lap time on Rivals and then, put drivatars on a 9th or 10th difficulty like Fifa does where the highest difficulty is actually a replica of the gameplay of a pro player.

As for more in-game details regarding the AI, please refer to this video →

Multiplayer wise, penalties are not awful, but far from being at least ok in my opinion. There’s still too many crashes in T1 ESPECIALLY in LMP1, the first few turns are a nightmare but otherwise, the rest of the race are actually decent. But as I saw sometimes the penalty system is clearly broken and needs to be fixed with the data you’re gathering. There are times, and quite a lot actually, where you’re kicked out of the track by someone, and this someone has 0 penalty for actually destroying your race. Also, you’re waaay too generous on the points given in term of skill and safety, there’s a lot of people who don’t know how to drive correctly and don’t know to behave in motorsport that actually are on 4k and S elo and who clearly don’t belong here. And in the contrary, when you’re not at fault the penalty is given to you for no good reasons.

Here are a few clips from the community that demonstrate the flaws of the current penalty system and the mayhem there can be in some races.

Few solutions : First, stop capping the elo at 5k, put it at 10k to get a more precise matchmaking and also slow down on the point distribution, there are a lot of people who do not behave and yet they are in high elo and S/A safety rating. Second, for the penalty system, it’s pretty hard to tell how and what to change as we don’t have the data about how penalties work, so therefore I suggest you guys should actually put WAY more effort and grind in the safety system, make it so we can actually be proud of being in S safety tier and we need the sensation of deserving it because we drive clean, currently if you drop from S to B, it’s actually very easy and quick to get back at the S tier and it doesn’t mean a lot as I said, quite a bit of bad drivers are in S tier for no good reasons. Third, if someone has a penalty, either you do it like in GT where there’s a track section dedicated in purging your penalty by slowing down and being ghosted, or either you purge your penalty in the pit. Doing it like in Gran Turismo can make the race more organic, and more fair, as even if someone drives dirty and has penalty, if he go away the penalty he has is useless, it will frustrate even more the player seeing a dirty one actually succeed and have a position he did not deserve.

As for the quality of life, add a radar and a better track map, it could be helpful for a lot of fellas that are playing with a wheel and can’t really tell much of the gap in a corner without the awareness that a radar or spotter could give. Add the possibility of managing your fuel with the poor/rich system if the car has the fuel upgrade, I actually don’t think that the amount of fuel you have in your car is that important and I think it lacks a bit of depths atm.

That’s all I have in mind at the moment. So for people reading this please, do tell what you have in mind, what you agree/disagree with, come up with your own ideas. It’s trough discussion and ideas that solutions are being born. Even there are few words, everything count and every opinion matter.

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Many of the things you suggest belong in the suggestion hub and have already been suggested. Everything else is being discussed in separate threads.

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