As I stated elsewhere in the forums, I haven’t been long in Forza and just recently found out about this forum. I can say without a doubt that the few people that I met along the way made my Forza experience so much more enjoyable and I thank you so much for that.
Today I turned on my Xbox and it won’t read game discs anymore, and of course the warranty expired last month… I don’t have money for another Xbox so most probably I won’t be able to log onto Forza again.
Want to give special thanks to the guys at Deadlights Kustoms, you’re all amazing and your love for the community is easily seen. Specially thank you to Flip FDH who helped me more than I could have ever imagined, Onelap and Gears who welcomed me with open arms. Every other person I interacted with, also thank you. (No hard feelings Nacho, wish you the best.)
I thank everyone who reads this and ask that you keep striving to maintain the community great and helpful, just how I experienced it to be.
Mate, i dont know you but would be sad to see you leave the community.
So how about this: If you buy forza in the download store you dont need a disc drive anymore. Its not for free, but it seems you know a lot people in here already. If the 50 bucks are currently too much for you to spend, why dont you put up a paypal donate button? I’m sure you will find enough lads in here who are willing to spend 0.50 to 1$ to make sure you can continue to enjoy forza.
I searched both in the xbox and in to see how much it costs to buy the game download and I don’t see that option anywhere. All I see is a demo and add-on packs. On the xbox marketplace when I click on buy, it just shows what retailers sell the game disc.
I see purchase options on other games but not Forza 4.
Well that sure blows, Aenyx. Sounds like it may only be the optical drive. You should be able to get that replaced for a lot less than the cost of a new Xbox. Might be worth looking into. I think I have 5 or so dollars in my PayPal account. You are welcome to it.
Wow guys, even though I knew this community is amazing you caught me off guard. I never expected anyone to go to this length to help me stay in forza. Thank you so much.
I have no idea how the PayPal donate button works but I will definitely look into it. I have the game installed to my hard drive but still needed the disc to play it. Guessing I need to delete the game from my hard drive so it can let me buy it as a DLC. Anyone know if when I delete the game I lose my gamesave?
If the problem is the disc not being read, you can just replace the reader. Your hard drive and everything else would remain the same as it is now. Not sure what the cost difference is between replacing the DVD reader and downloading the game. I suspect not all that much. I’d call your local Gamestop or equivalent store and ask them before deleting anything
Asked at my local Gamestop and they don’t offer any repair service. I’ll give EB Games a try. I know there’s people at flea markets here that repair but I’ve heard bad stories so not sure if I should go to them.
Now that you mention DVD reader, interesting thing is that it recognizes DVDs but not games, does it use a different reader for each?
I don’t think you have to delete your current installation. I’m member of EA access, its a service that lets you play certain EA games for “free” by paying a monthly/yearly fee. One of these games is FIFA14 which i had the disc version already. I ‘bought’ it in the EA access store (which is basically the XBox download store) and it got converted to a digital download version instantly, even without downloading the game. I’d expect that this is going to work with standard Xbox titles as well. Might be worth a try.
Even if you have to delete your existing installation, your savegame is stored in the cloud where it should be safe. But some people seem to have issues with vanished game profiles, so its not 100% guaranteed that you wont lose anything. Best is you try to just buy the download version without deleting anything first.
So I just turned on my Xbox (use it often for netflix) and it decided to recognize it had a game disc inside. Was able to get on Forza. Now I’m afraid to turn it off lol…
Hopefully it keeps working, I surely wont touch or move it.