Jimmies are rustled...

Lost connection from the internet
Ok no issue just put some designs on some cars in Forza 5…
spend 2-3 hours on a design for a bodykit Supra…
looked GREAT very nice lines and design…
internet comes back…
get kicked out of forza 5 back to homescreen…
cant play forza 5…
says insert disc or buy game in game store…
not sure who to blame but god dang it I wanna point some fingers and kick the ground angrily…

I was on the final steps of the design as well…

That sucks.

I think it’s xbox…I put in Titanfall after getting this from FM5 just to see and got the same thing.

But what I dont understand is I was playing the game fine
I didnt go to the menus…
didnt do anything
no disc eject nothing…just playing
internet comes back
kicked out to homescreen with that message…

I would contact Xbox support right away, this is something they need to know about so they can investigate it; and hopefully stop it happening in the future.

The fix is to eject the disc and re-insert it. Also, click the tile (from the Xbox One home screen) that only has a symbol of a disc on the upper-right corner - clicking the tile with the symbol of a disc and a rectangle beside it will likely yield the same error message.

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I eventually had to replace my day one xbox because I kept getting that message. If I powered the xbox up with a disc in it I could play just fine. The moment I tried to switch games I would get the insert disc message even though the disc was in the drive.

Never had it kick me out of the game though.

Is it better to always leave the disc in,like i do,or remove it?

What you want to do is this;

Click on your game with the start button and hit “quit” , then do a hard reset of the xbox = shutdown+pull power cord off for a bit

******Guys I recommend clicking on your game and quiting it before you switch disc or when you are doing playing.

Are any of you signed up for xbox update previews? This is a known software issue currently being addressed by MS.