Surprise surprise... new Dolby Atmos HD option for headphones improves the sound noticeably

If you haven’t already tried this out guys you should. It improves the sound stage noticeably, unless you are already running the game through a good 7.1 set up.

To get this level of fidelity on regular pair of stereo earphones/headset is remarkable to say the least and I’d love for Forza to be patched so that it fully supports Dolby Atmos effects on both headphones and surround sound systems.

Edit: Well, looks like it got jinxed. No longer works; it gives me an error code when I try to select the “dolby atmost for headphones” option and tells me to check my receiver even though I’m connected to my pad through earphones.

I did leave my Fm6 session running in the background and had exited to dash. When I got back into the game, it was just a blank screen and the console auto-restarted.

At present, only windows sonic/virtual surround works when I have my headphones plugged in on the pad.

Fun shortlived!

The app works only once. If you go into a second gaming session (power off, then back on) you cannot select the DA/headphones setting. Only workaround is to delete and reinstall the app; it will work ONLY for that session. How silly!

It should be free though - I don’t remember folks paying to use Dolby Digital or DTS with their games.