
Attractive graphics are possible on some high-performance graphics cards. Consoles allow crash-free gaming. A good race is possible with fair teammates. The physics is closer to ACC than FM7. In some car models and with the right lighting, the cockpit view also looks good. With RT on, I could see my car reflected in the paintwork of the cars driving next to me. And without RT I can see the route reasonably clearly.
Is this a good game now?
Motorsport can do everything - just not at the same time and not on the same platform.

Ahm, … ACC is majorly a tire simulator, or that’s at least what most of the ACC community says. When it comes to the physics itself the two games are very different. FM still uses the same approach as FM7, the devs only introduced higher fidelity and a few new additions like suspension geometry.
The tire simulation in FM is absolute minimal, it’s not even more complex than FH5 when it comes to rain and night or temperature changes. ACC is far more sophisticated.

No, it’s not a finished product, so therefore I can’t give it a finished rating.
Arguably you could say, “It’s a good game”, but only because it’s not a “great game”, it also doesn’t feel very “next gen”.


And what do you think about taking money for a product which in a distant future might or might not become something which is closer to the announcements?

FM7 - very bugged, lack of content
FH4 - very bugged, huge lack of content
FH5 - very bugged, unstable on PC version
FM - very bugged, lack of content

Sorry, but I got exactly what I expected. There has been a trend.
The false advertisement claims are 100% valid, but previous Forza titles been like that too, we are just at an all time high.


yeah…they just need to put them together…now the question is “when”!!

…and not consistently/reliably.

…and no, it can’t do everything - penalties, netcode/servers, AI, replays, stats, livery editor, the pace of post-launch support, & more are still terribly undercooked.

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I think it resembles a Go Fund Me project, and not a very good one at that.

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