Just re downloaded this game onto my PC and find that i cant get a good frame rate. I have FH4 installed running with my freesync monitor at 140 frames.
So my question is how do I get forza 7 to run at high frames and also i notice on my monitor display panel the refresh is jumping around from 144 to 90.
FH4 runs perfect so what is wrong with Forza7.
Unfortunatly FM7 seems to have problems above 60 FPS. Such as: wildly fluctuating FPS, flickering flags and (micro) stuttering.
I know it’s not what you want with your screen but I would recomend to cap the frames at 60 FPS, no v-sync in the game menu and call it a day.
That’s what I run on my i7-3770 GTX1080 @ 5770x1080.
thanks for that, I am very disappointed at the support offered to this game there is no forza8 insight and this game could be made better, they say that are trying to add more content and extend the games life. But for me now have uninstalled the game and moved on wont come back until its updated.