Street outlaws inspired Forza list!

Hey guys, don’t get on the forums much, so I apologize in advance if I’m posting in the wrong section. Looking for fellow street outlaw / forza lovers to make a top 10 list of races. Will be ran as close to as the real thing. If anyone is interested please feel free to shoot me a message @ GT: MachineGunCodie. Have a good one fellas. :slight_smile:

  • I have a mock list of rules that I’ll throw up later. An the person who created them will be credited.

Rules I got from the facebook community page “Forza Street out law racing”

Rules: we will have a qualifying to establish the top ten list. There will be a race meet held every week.
Callouts: number 10 on the list gets first call out. After 9th and 10th have raced any callouts are welcome
If you wish to join the list you have to beat number 10. And there will be round robins if needed.
•no talking while racers are about to launch
• No brake boosting
• No traction control
• If you jump you lose
• if you cross the centre line you lose
• after both racers acknowledge they are ready, brake lights will signal “go”
• racers must have a mic
Once you are on the list you cannot change cars unless you are bumped off or if you pull your current car off the list. If you wish to pull your car off the list you must contact a admin of this page.
Class restrictions:
Us street muscle
Retro muscle
American racers
You can apply to use a car that is not in one of those classes by sending what car it is, what engine it has and all the specs of the car (E.g weight, power.) to the page.
But your application will not always be accepted due to wanting to keep the racing fair
Rear wheel drive only.
Edited by user 40 minutes ago | Reason: Not specified

Are you online now?

count me in im driving the crow for now gt = Prez ViolentC