We are wanting to have a top 10 list of some of the fastest street cars in Forza.
All races will be on a circuit track with strait stretches exceeding 1/4mile. All races will be 1/4 mile
Rules are exactly like The hit show “Street outlaws”
You can only call out the person directly ahead of you. You get 1call out per week. You have until XXX night at XX:00 am to race or the challenged will forfeit to the challenger.
You must record the race in order for it to count. And gift or inform an official about it being uploaded to your profile. Any disputes contact Mr Svahn
Please use realistic street cars!
No power or weight rules as of right now but i hope it wont be only Fairlanes or something like that.
Rules are variable to change at any given time.
No car changing during the season. Unless you pay a 200,000cr fine If we get auction house or something similar.
Mr. Svahn the other two who showed interest from the old forum was Smoky Knight and Wild E. Coyo T,
I found this info thru someone posting a shortcut to the old forum.
We could do it and just make a club called street outlaws as long as that isn’t taken and we could use the same rules for the one they are doing on fm5. But we need someone to be the chief and run it.
Thank you very much. I tried to get the cached post but it was too old.
Thats a good idea with the club, i created one and can invite all of you to it. I gave up trying to get a decent club tag since everything is taken so i just spammed the buttons.
I managed to find the FM5 Street outlaws thread from the old forum and posted that in the OP. I agree that we need a “chief” to run it all.
Are we doing one race night a week where we take care of all the call outs since the previous race as they do in the show?
When a bet is placed the winner puts the cheapest car in AH for the amount of the bet for the loser to purchase
The winner coordinates with the loser for the AH and the winner confirms on this Forum they have received the wager.
Another thing when i tried to add Wild E. Coyo T i realised that you actually cant write the dot after the E so i had to skip that. Not sure if i added the wrong guy or not hahaha
Instead of the two people racing by themselves, it would be better if we were all in a lobby together and there were witnesses so there couldn’t be cheating. And we could do all the call outs on like a Saturday night. But we would have to come up with rules about if you can’t be there that night. Like if you get called out and can’t be there. And I also think we shouldn’t have a rule on the rims or anything appearance wise because this is supposed to be street racing, and on the street you can make your car look however you want. And I also think there shouldn’t be a rule that you have to use the original engine because there are a lot of cool cars that are slow with the original engines. But there should be a rule on how much power the engine has if they switch it. Because I want people to be able to use whatever car they want and still be able to compete instead of everyone having the fastest car they can find with the original engine. And another thing, do you guys think there should be a rule on how new the car can be? I was thinking 2005 or older, but what do you guys think? And lastly, I think there should be a chief like I said, but also 3 or 4 officials that come up with the rules, I think whoever the officials are should get in a party on Xbox and decide the rules and someone will write them down. That’s just my opinion.
Yes a few ppl who are in the lobby except the racers is a good idea but then theres the problem that we are noly 3 (maybe 4). I started thinking that it might be easier to search through the clubs and see if there is a current Street Outlaws club that we could join instead?
I agree, the looks doesnt matter, neither does the engine. Restricting horsepower might be good but then again street racing isnt supposed to have any rules. I was in a lobby with a few guys who did street outlaws a while back (dont remember their names though) and the had like 2 or 3 different classes they raced. One unlimited, one with under 800hp and i think one class with under 600hp.
Restricting newer cars is not necessary imo, you see a lot of newer Mustangs ans Corvettes on the strip and some of the fastest cars are the older ones like the Nova, fairlane, 40 coupe and so on. I might be a bit biased since i really like racing my 13’ Mustang hahaha
Where do you guys live, im in Sweden which is GMT+1 time. I am online almost every night but otherwise we could just “book” a meeting/race this weekend to iron out the details.
I’m in Pacific time zone ( -8 ) in the U.S. right now I race with FHRA on Saturday nights at 19:00 or 7:00 PM pacific time.
You mentioned searching other clubs, FHRA is trying to get the Street-out Laws going also.
I’m in eastern US time. And I think having classes is a really good idea but we don’t have enough people to have multiple classes right now. I think our best bet is to join a group that’s already doing it. Or we could just do one class that’s like 800-1000 hp?
Okay well if you could get some more people that would be great. Yeah i tried to search for other clubs but i couldnt find a war to do it. If there is a way to browse through clubs by searching for something like “drag” or “street outlaws” it would be much easier.
And that is GMT-5 correct? Agree, either find a current group or merge with this FHRA gang.
Maybe we could try to gather as many as possible and just lobby up sometime this weekend and take it from there? The only problem (for me) is that when the clock is 19:00 at Cipher, its 03:00 here in Sweden which is waaaay past bedtime hahaha
I have a group already made that is named Street Outlaws and we are looking for people to join us if you guys are interested feel free to message meet on Xbox.
Do you guys still need people? very interested and would love to help and join! I got a 8 second Dodge Dart. (yes i know that doesn’t seem true but its got a VERY excellent drag tune in it) I would like to help and join the list if I could. it seems fun and I like drag racing.
I’ve been keeping a watch on this post, Bulletproof you have asked me about putting something together along these lines. I have a basic guideline I will work on refining and try to get this kicked off.