Hey guys whats up I run a Top Ten List for horizon 3. We would like to get some more people on the list so we can be a full top 10 i need 2 more people plus who ever wants to be in shark pool. Some car Rules are V8 RWD Muscle thats its and obviously no cheater cars. We have other rules as well but we can discuss all rules on race day if you would like to join list. And if you do want to join we just ask you to be an adult about everythi g and dont start fight with people just because you think you own the world. We wont tolerate it and you will be kicked and most likely blocked. We just want people who love to drag race and have fun, not fight. For race night its Thursday at 6:00 pm EST. The time will be explained as well as any other rules more in depth on race day. If you think you cannot make at that time pls dont bother joining because we want people who can join us on raceday almost every night for good racing beacuse i dont wanna keep booting people off because the dont join. Sorry if i sound like a demanding person its just people join for one or two nights and they cant make it. If there are any other questions pls message me the leader on xbox Fuel l(L)njected… injected is spelled with lower case L And you can message my racemaster [EXaLTeD ArEs Zz]. Thank you and i hope you would like to join.