Still waiting on free Ford GTE race car

im new to xbox switching over from ps4
does anyone know how to retrieve the free Ford GTE race car?

Look in your xbox live messages for the code
Then go to redeem code in xbox store and enter the code

You should be able to do it direct from the message without going to the store.

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You’re right you can too

I never got the code :expressionless:

Do you have the xbox 2 weeks ago. If not your will not get a code. It was only for fm player who own the game at that time. Only way I see is that you ask the support of turn 10. Maybe the send you a code. I crosse my fingers for u.
That was a promotion from ford and fm only for a short period of time.

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Need to contact xbox support
Xbox sends the code not turn 10

How do u e-mail Xbox about this

Xbox Support: Xbox Support (Contact Us information at the bottom of the page.)