I played Forza 5 now for some time and have some questions.
Everytime I finish a series of races I unlock special Events. Where exactly do I find them and what is so special about them?
I can buy cars for credits, but I can also drive all cars for free, then I do not get credits. But when I can drive all cars for free, where exactly is the point in collecting credits?
Why are there no Porsches in the game? Every big racing game has Porsches in it. I cannot really believe that they do not wanted them. Is this a legal thing, or why aren’t there any?
When I buy a car, it remains in the list of buyable cars. Is that a bug? Why should I buy the same car two times?
Am I the only one who would like the Nürburgring in the game?^^ I would pay for that track if they would implement it.
Special events are added on to that particular race series you just completed
Free cars are not upgradable for online use etc…
Porsche signed an exclusivity agrement w/ EA back in 97 / 98 ,only under certain situations do they (EA) let other developers use the license…
Leaked doc shows VIR , MONZA ,NURBURGRING and one other track as comming out as future DLC …
Hope this helps p.s. If i’m wrong with any of this info please feel free to yell!!!
When you finish an event, go back to it there should be a screen that will let you select the races individually. Go all the way to the right you should see the bonus races.
The using free car thing is separate from career mode. Look at career mode like a story mode no association with free mode meaning free mode like a test a car out thing you cant use the cars cross game modes.
With the Porsches blame EA, T10 cant do nothing but ask to use the license. For example T10 has the license to Ferrari and they allow any developer to use the license as they wish, EA knows Forza is more superior and they don’t want anymore competition as it is.
About the cars still showing you can still buy them when you already own it. well the game gives you the option to buy the car again just in case you want a duplicate set up differently. If you look closer when buying a car next time you’ll see a small garage icon when highlighting the cars. This garage icon tells you you already own it but you still can buy a duplicate if you wish. NOTE: you cannot sell cars back, if you remove the car you’ll lose it permanently.
About the RING. this is a high demand track. I have a feeling is coming though the track is in the series just not forza 5 they had to scrap all the old data and start from scratch.
nothing really special about them, just extra events covering the rest of the tracks that werent in the series. access them by going back into the league.
You buy the cars so you can mod/tune them. also you cant use rental cars in career mode
As already stated, EA has porche rights, they are 3 Ruf cars to slighlty get your fix.
4.Remain for duplicates if you want to have multiple setups ready to go for different cars
5.A huge amount of people want the ring, im sure if we dont get it for this game(which i bet we will)we should see it for the next game
Thank you very much for all the answers.
I hope they will bring the Ring as DLC for this game. I am looking forward to compare it with the version from Project Gotham Racing 2 from the old XBox. I loved this track the most in that game.^^
I should have known that EA is responsable for the Porsche thing, everytime something is bad about a game, it is EA’s fault, even if the game is not from them.
So, there will never be a classic Porsche 911, okay I have to live with that.
Well, then I will look for the garage icon and bonus events. Thanks for that information.
pgr was an arcade racer not a sim. well if you get a drift tune you might get a similar experience, but drifting isn’t going to win any races. there will be major differences. and you also have to remeber the original xbox only had 64 megs of ram. a single car in fm5 uses more than the entire game of pgr2, cars, tracks, game play, everything. per meg pgr would win hands down, but the xbox1 just has soooo much more in hardware capabilities it can brute force right past it. the track in fm5 will be far superior, but that doesn’t mean you are going to like it more or even as much. people like what they like. i prefer hamburgers or spaghetti to lobster no matter how much my butcher tells me lobster is much better, and caviar even better still. i dont like lobster or caviar, i like spaghetti and burgers. when it finally does come try to keep an open mind, try to play it as an entirely new track so you aren’t disappointed in either version.
if i picked up forza 5 as a random title i would like it more than i do now because i keep comparing it to forza 1. and once that comparison is made i cant unmake it. dont make the same mistake i do. the secret to happiness isn’t getting everything you want, its wanting everything you get.