[SOLVED] Won't load past title screen

I’ve been playing since day one, today I tried to sign on and load up. Upon pressing “A” to load the game, it will welcome me, but load indefinitely just cycling through the car footage. I have tried ejecting the disc, restarting the game, but nothing will work. I was wondering if anyone else had the problem and found the solution without having to delete save data?

Have you reset the console cache?

I realise that Maxes FAQ is for FM5 but the basic troubleshooting steps still apply, can you confirm you have tried working though his FAQ found here http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm67039_Forza-Motorsport-5---Game-FAQ.aspx#post_67039 including a hard reset of the console ?

Hard reset worked. Thanks!

Glad we could be of service. Remember, the Xbox is a window product and Windows based now, so when in doubt, restart.

For Xbox this means a hard reset. It should usually do the trick.

Locking this down now, glad your fixed :slight_smile: