*NEW PROBLEM* FH3 won't load

I’ve restarted my game 6 times in the 15 minutes. It stays stuck, loading at the main loading screen.

Have you tried hard resetting / cold booting your console properly yet

Yeah, I did. All 6 times.

Including pulling the power cable from the wall and pressing the console button a few times while disconnected

I turned my xbox off, pulled the power cord, and let it sit for a few minutes to cool down.

I saw in another thread that you fixed your issue
why not say here how you got it to work so that others with the same issue can try that

Funny how I do this as if I’m on a schedule. About once every two to three days with around a whole 24 hours of runtime between. You might want to consider doing the same.

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Hey im on PC mine just started doing this and mine wont ever load. but what i figured out is if i open it and then go to the load screen and tab out so its not open eventually when i come back it loads through. dont know if that helps you

On your Xbox unplug and press and hold the start button for a minimum of 10 secs. This will ensure all caps are discharged inside the xbox. It will also force the chips on the circuit board to reset itself to zero. This should help, I do this every 2 or so days and it has minimized multiple issues with shutdowns and crashes.


You could try to start the game with an other profile. I had issues starting Fh3 a while ago. So I tried with my daughter’s account and the game started. After that my account started normally.

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I’ve had this happen just yesterday morning, Xbox wouldn’t load any disc games and would get the “took too long to load” message (only digital worked) or if FH3 did finally load, the game would stuck in the loading screen with the lambo in the background and music still playing. Though I did notice the console running much slower than usual as if a lot of apps were running at the same time, but the issue ended up being resolved after fully shutting down the console (waited for light to turn orange) and unplugged it from the outlet, then after returning home from work (which is 9 hours), turned it back and put the disc in, it worked once again, despite the number of restarts and hard resets I did that morning.

There may have been some xbox live issues in the last 24-48 hours. Not sure if any of this is relevant or not.

Unrelated to FH games every app on my console, including just the console itself, suggested it needed an update yet it would then say update failed and I needed to choose from stay offline, try again or turn off.

Weird thing is if I chose to stay offline it actually stayed online and most stuff then worked.

This has happened to me and my freinds the last two days. Xbox Support says nothing is wrong but something clearly is…

Same thing was happening on my console last night. I did find it odd how I stayed online even when I chose offline. (Normally it works the same as the “go offline” function within network settings but not this time.)

Not sure if you solved this or not, but this happened to me way back. I had to factory reset my console and reinstall the game. It wasn’t a Forza problem really but an Xbox one. The symptoms were exactly the same as yours though, endless loading screen.

I did finally get it to work. I did exactly what Oldskool1970 said, sign out of your profile, and sign in with another profile. That seemed to do the trick.

When i’m done playing my xbox,i unplug it everytime from the wall,i have never had an issue with any of my games,its just a habit I got into and always do.I also wait until a game is fully downloaded or an add on also,i never start when it says ready to play,maybe that’s why I don’t have problems,i’m never in that much of a hurry and I always shut down a game the proper way by bg x button,and then quit game,i dunno if my way is right but like I said,never any problems.

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Apart from Horizon 3 taking unusually long to load between races and coming out of festival sites ever since I got the Car Pass and BM, everything else seems okay… apart from the Free Roam screen freeze every now and then.

Guys, you really need to get into the habit of FULLY shutting down your console after every session - once the brick light goes amber, disconnect it from the main outlet so that it goes completely OFF. The next time you turn it on, wait for the white to amber light start up sequence on the brick, THEN turn on your console. Do this every time between gaming sessions unless you’re downloading something and want to leave it on Standby.

Rather than having to pull out the brick’s power cord from the wall every time, install a cut off switch at the outlet so that you can simply cut off power to the brick at the flick of a switch. That’s what I do. Have had nearly zero issues every since I got my console.

Also, make sure you’re not connecting the brick through a voltage regulator/surge protector or power supply strip. It needs to go directly into the wall outlet.

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Good post,kinda like what I posted above,i pull my plug from the wall everytime i’m done,never a problem.

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Forza Horizon 3-- found a fix for endless loading time when u go to my garage or to any activity

1-step is restarting your console and delete your saving data for FH3( delete only from your console not from xbox live)

2-step is that you unplug your internet cable from your xbox or disconnect your wireless connection so you are offline(very important),now when you are OFFLINE start Forza3 and wait until the screen with Brightness and HDR Brightness adjustment appears,Now you need to press the X button on your controller go to Forza3 and press Start then Manage game&add-ons then go to Saved data and you will see that you have another saved data for your profile(dont panic dont worry its supossed to be there)----NOW QUIT THE GAME AND DELETE NEW SAVED DATA…(STEP 2 NEEDS TO BE DONE IN OFFLINE)

3-step Now plug your internet cable back or connect via wireless…start the game and let it Sync…now your game will work just fine!!!