Game refusing to boot up

stuck on the loading screen with the title and the taillight of the Ford GT. Just the spinning ‘hamster wheel’ at the lower right and nothing else. rebooted console, no updates to be found, hard booted, still won’t load. What’s going on?

when you hard booted did you also pull out the power cable from the wall till the light went off on the power supply

I’m having the exact same issue, won’t complete synchronization or anything

Try changing your console to “Go Offline” and then select “Restart Console” from the guide or “Restart Now” from the power settings. When the Xbox One restarts, “Go Online”.

Tried but still having same issues, now seeing if re-installing will help, I HOPE ITS NOT A CORRUPTED SAVE FILE OMG I’LL CRY

Yeah it works now. I dunno what the issue was, but it’s fine now.

It worked after following Snowowl’s steps or just randomly started working again?

after Snowowl’s tips

That one tip offered by Snow Owl is the answer to problems while trying to play games smoothly.

I once started a career race on Rio and the game wouldn’t stop stuttering… horrible nearly half-second pauses that were driving me nuts. Was online.

Did a hard reset. Problem solved.

Also clear up your Persistent Storage and Alternate MAC from time to time to keep things nicely purring. Plus, good idea to do a full shutdown (includes cutting off power to the brick) after your session.

I wonder if hard resets (aka. forced shutdowns) are bad for your console. I do them every 2 or 3 gaming sessions, just for good measure. Though I haven’t ran into any major problems even without them.