So Random Apparently Means Hand Picked

So the drawing of 100 random players to get the V8 Vantage apparently not so random. AR12Gaming (Nick) made a video thanking the guys for making sure he got one. I know he didn’t do the lap time as he didn’t even know about it. For real Turn10 this is whats up with you guys? [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]


Just watched the video
Sounds like he got it on top of those random 100
The 100 were given to those that competed but didnt beat the time
Guess he’s lucky he knows someone that can send them
Bet everyone at Turn 10 would have one as well

There’s no limit to how they hand them out
Just waiting for the next opportunity


What’s to say they didn’t give them out randomly and then on top of that they gave more to friends and top tuners ?

You’re making a big assumption by assuming that there was only a finite limit to how many that could be issued and distributed.

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Turn 10 should start to communicate how we can get this car “after february”, same for other unicorn cars like the 312 PB, the Huracan Siper Trofeo and oddballs like the '66 Silvia and the '69 Dom’s Charger. It would sure make a lot of people happy.


… and it sure would make a lot of people unhappy because they had to work hard for it.


… and those people knew a forehand the car would be available by other means in the future. Also, since when is 2% defined as “a lot”?

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… and the 92% know T10 will do things at their own time, no need for stirring up again. Let it go kid.

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Yeah because they have NEVER sold exclusive content a few weeks/months after making holding a contest or a league. It’s been done before and will probably happen with this content also.

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All Breyzipp is asking for is for better communication from Turn 10.

So that communication will annoy some who earnt the unicorn the first time?

Thats right “some”.

I maxed out my Rolls Royce affinity doing the challenge and I have my Aston and in no way would I be annoyed if others get it handed to them on a platter.

But that is not what Breyzipp asked for in their post anyway. They simply asked for communication from Turn 10 because Turn 10 stated there would be other ways to get it but have not said how or when.

Quite frankly I think the reason why this subject does not die is because of posts like the one above.

Just WOW “I earnt my car, you can’t have one.”

Apparently Turn 10 should now go back on their word to not annoy people who already have it.



I’ll pass to comment for the sake of decency calling people names (hyena’s ??), save to say that a wise man once said "never tell your problems to anyone, 20% don’t care and 80% are glad you have them"

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Ooh but I do have the Huracan, and the 312 PB, and the '66 Nissan. I apologize for not being selfish and only asking for the cars I’m personally missing. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I was indeed just asking for some information from Turn 10 but some of the forum hyena’s smelled some blood and had to jump in and bite again. Ooh boy I sure do miss the mature community of GT6.

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I assume they will do this after all the unicorns are out. Which would still be “after February”.


Not sure where it was ever stated that the Huracan, Silvia or Dom’s Charger would be made available.

My times for the Vantage were too slow and I have no expectations of ever getting one since I didn’t qualify.

The Huracan was extremely easy to get. I am not sure how much easier you want it to be, unless you expect to receive it automatically. It was not difficult at all to run a clean lap once a week for 3 weeks.

I don’t recall the rules for the 312, but since I got it, it must not have been difficult either


Lol they make one challenge that not geared towards casual player, and there hell to pay.


So what ?


The 312 has been given out in the photo comps and twitch streams too i think
Wouldnt be surprised if some of the other unicorns are or have been given out the same way

People are still going on about that Aston? Hell that’s the first unicorn car I have ever received in any Forza game…you see me crying about the ones I didn’t get?

I enjoyed that challenge and hope there is more like those to come,

That Ford GT GTLM car will make a nice addition.

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I would not be annoyed if someone is given a 2nd opportunity to acquire on of the cars later on that I received by doing something right the first time.

I also would not be annoyed if there was never an opportunity to get these cars again.

The time frame for support of this game is nowhere close to being over. If Turn 10 decides to make any of these cars available again they will communicate it in due course.

And yes, I DO find it irritating to see these posts over and over again where people keep asking when things will be available. I do not fault Turn 10 in the least for any of the practices. Just because Turn 10 states other chances will be made available in the future, this does not mean in the month after the original contest, or even two or three.

Do you also expect all the various special liveries (Holiday paint rewards, VIP specials, special offers such as Multi-grain, etc) to be made available to all as well? I certainly do not.

To me, the ONLY mistake Turn 10 may have made at this point was to say that there would be opportunities in the future to acquire some of the unicorn cars. Perhaps it would have been better for them not to have said anything about these 2nd chances until it was time for the 2nd chance events.


Personally getting rid of the unicorns was the best decision Turn 10 made. But when T10 brought them back, I was like you have dropped the ball Turn 10.