Best wishes. I work in cancer research. I’ve seen the numbers. You have reason to think positively. Great progress has been made in the field of cancer treatment.
Best wishes. I work in cancer research. I’ve seen the numbers. You have reason to think positively. Great progress has been made in the field of cancer treatment.
Ten fold the best wishes mate. Thanks for your support earlier this year, that was most appreciated.
I agree with PJ and Mitchy with regards to doing something about getting Snowowl some help. Putting together a letter of concern backed up by the countless number of players he has helped over these many years.
One thing I know from my own personal experience in looking after someone with cancer is, that one must take time out away from IT. Otherwise, as someone else pointed out above, you’ll become less effective as time goes on. Snow’s relief valve is obviously Forza.
A relief valve that in its own right, has its own high level if stress built into it.
What we can do as valued gamers is keep an eye out for complaints, then if possible, give proper feedback to help the situation, rather than have Snowowl being inundated with PM’s and requests for help etc.
He’s do damn dedicated, that when he visits family 500+ miles away, he takes his own Xbox One with him, logs on there and answers a thread, several PM’s and follows up on Forum issues …!!!
Dedication plus ten times over. Name one single employee of Turn 10 that takes their work home with them, let alone to their child’s place while moving in and dealing with unfortunate news. No one actually, unless of course it’s in their actual job description.
Can we put something together?
Can we spare the small amount of time needed for such a task?
If not, then ask yourself, who will help us should Snowowl not be able to be at the Xbox every day or so.
The answer is a simple one, no one.
Let’s do something, even if it amounts to nothing, which I hope it won’t. But come on, words are one thing, but actions speak volumes, don’t you think?
And Snowowl, you keep the faith hate, there’s plenty of gamers over this side of The Pasific Rim that really do appreciate the effort you put in. And that understand the personal pressure you might find yourself in… As they say, “my prayers are with you” for a positive outcome…
Since I’ve had so many PMs inquiring, I thought I’d post a single update on our situation in The Fight.
In early April, another brain MRI revealed three of the four cancerous tumors had returned to “active” and though small, they were causing swelling which can be even more damaging if not controlled immediately. Enter a course of steroids to control the swelling, with analysis and planning by the good folks at CyberKnife (look up for videos) and another round of laser radiation. This time, it was an increased dosage over what was done in 2015, but divided over a three-day period.
There are NO NEW tumors in the brain. None.
So, on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, my wife had the three sessions of less than an hour each as we logged nearly 500 miles driving back and forth. Again, NO side-effects, and she hasn’t missed a day of work.
Then a follow-up CT Scan of the lung cancer had excellent news and some rather puzzling news. NO NEW cancer in the lungs. The lymph nodes between the lungs are all good now, too. The original “chemo pill” did the job destroying the upper portion of the tumor in the right lung. However, the lower portion of that same tumor remained for some reason. It “grew” .02 mm from the original CT Scan in July, 2015. Hardly measurable, but a concern that the “chemo pill” had only destroyed part of what was thought to be a single tumor. The top portion no longer exists. Gone!
Oncologists say that remaining portion, although not growing aggressively also was not killed off, so they suspect a mutation of the original strain. Friday (April 29) was another biopsy, with several samples of the remaining tumor taken. Those will be sent off to labs for analysis over the next couple weeks, and hopefully a new “chemo pill” assigned to take care of this resistant tumor.
We do appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers. They are working!
I am glad to hear there is good news. I will continue to send prayers and positive thoughts. I am a firm believer in the power of positive energy in healing, and I believe prayer is the strongest, most positive kind of energy.
Been prayin’ for ya too Snowowl! Nice to see some positive news!
I was quite shocked with your openness on first reading your family’s predicament. I would personally never discuss such things to mostly strangers.
Yet, whilst reading, I thought harder on the situation. Realising you and your wife are fighters and have decided not to hide but fight head on the situation.
Most people suffer in silence and give up against this kind of situation but you and your wife are quite inspiring.
From the bottom of my heart I wish all the best for your family.
You are quite correct in your thought process. And that was what we thought and discussed for a few days in the beginning. We have three daughters who live about 500 miles away, and simply couldn’t tell them over the phone or even in a Skype session. We were scheduled to visit them all - including a seven-year boyfriend of our youngest whose own Mom has now beaten cancer herself, and a then-future groom-to-be for our middle daughter whose best childhood friend wouldn’t be in attendance as best man at their August wedding because he passed away from a rare bone cancer the previous year.
All were certainly aware of what cancer can do. However, we wanted to be up-front. On the Thursday night before the Fourth of July weekend last year, we gathered all the family together and told them. We also established a guideline: This will be fought, we expect no “woe is me” statements, when we know something we’ll let you know - we’ll tell, but don’t ask - and when there is information, we’ll get it to everyone at the same time.
There was not one single mention of “cancer” the rest of the weekend. All the apprehension and tears stayed on that Thursday night, turned to being joyful with our then four month old granddaughter, the bridal shower and wedding planning for that August. We have more focused goals, like our granddaughter’s first birthday back in March, helping our new bride and her husband move into their first home, seeing our youngest daughter graduate college this coming weekend with the whole family, and then two weeks after returning for the house warming party and “baby gender reveal” barbecue. Yes, the new bride/wife and her husband are expecting next October.
Goals continue to present themselves. Cancer or not. And they are all cherished perhaps even more.
Awesome to hear!!! You both will beat this dang thing called cancer. You both are doing everything right and that’s all one can do. We all have challenges and hopefully this will be the biggest ( and only ) challenge like this for you and your wife. As a whole it sounds to be about a 7 or 8 of 10 for success and that last 2 is being addressed. I am not sure how you feel for religion but I have you on our churches prayer list. In my life I have had some challenges as well and I feel the church praying for me helped a bunch. I hope it does for you as Mrs. Snowowl as well!
Keep fighting
Dan the Dartman
If I could take over Owl’s job (temporarily and vigilantly) so Owl can devote all his strength and time to his family, his wife, killing off the lung tumor (joking), and treasuring the past if his wife goes terminal (fingers crossed and hoping it doesn’t happen) (I would be really good at looking at replays and determining who deserves what and so on, so forth), I live with something almost as bad as cancer but I’ve kept it “under the radar” so to speak so I sort of know what Owl’s going through but anyways, Here’s to Owl’s Wife making it through insert HOO HAH audio file here
Best wishes, prayers and faith to you and your family my friend.
It’s good to hear you’re battling on. You guys are a strong couple who just knuckle down and get on with it. That’s good, but don’t forget to have a little fun together as well!
Love and Peace
Thanks, folks. To which I’ll add Hooyah! and Oorah!
(still) ALL the best to your wife,family and yourself,old fellow!
Very good news so far,keep fighting,Lady Owl!
Good man, good family. Tough lady!! All the best brother!!
those of us here that have a small sense of what you’re going through are always sending you and you’re entire family their best wishes for a speedy and wholeheartedly reprieve from this insidious animal called cancer.
It’s affected many of us in various ways, but each holds a unique place in our lives. Just know that every one of us are sending you prayers of all types.
One thing that unifies everyone of every religio is cancer. It doesn’t care what religion or faith you have, it strikes with a vengeance that shocks us all.
From your continued work everyone can see that you, your wife and the entire family is made of very strong fabric. You “will” get through this, and your wife will come out the other side stronger…not that she needs that, as she’s an amazing person, that’s for sure.
Prayer are with you… G
The human population is a very interesting and diverse one. By that I mean we all have our own ideas and opinions and with the forums that we have it makes many of those opinions visible to all. Many who have posted on this thread have in the past had ideas that were liked and also some that were not. The one thing we, as humans, all have in common is that when one of us falls on challenging times that we can all Rally up for the same cause. Like what has been said here a few times now, it makes no difference what religion, nationality, sex, color, weight, it really does not matter. There is one thing we all can agree on and that is to support those of us who have health or other challenges. There is so much joy seeing all different kinds of people come together and support others that they have never met in person and be sincere with their wishes. It also shows how much respect we all have for those who are challenged.
People, including myself, often say we live in a cold, cruel world that does not care for anyone but themselves and if that’s what you are looking for that’s what you will find. The responses in this thread show that is not the case and there are many, many wonderful and compassionate people out there.
Our media seems to like to promote negative news and let the positive stories out of the publics eye but seeing all the great wishes shows how the world is not nearly as bad as the media wants us to believe. It’s amazing to see everyone rallying to support someone they have never met. This world can be a great place and it is nice to see things like this supporting that statement.
Snowowl, you are a very respected person for all you do and believe in and I am really happy to see the support that you are rightfully getting with your wife’s situation. You and your family are a very strong and closely knit family and that is the one thing that cancer can’t destroy. You all have many things coming up and I am so pleased that you are taking the time to enjoy them all.
In all my life’s lessons the one thing that stands out the most is when I walk by a rose I will smell it then. I used to say I will smell it the next time but will we really have a next time? You and your family are very inspiring to me and my family as we try to be close like you and yours are but sometimes life’s events get in the way. This is a great wake up call for me and seeing how you are handling it is inspirational!!! It has effected some of the things I have put off and am now doing with my family.
Some of life’s most obvious things are sometimes overlooked because they are so obvious.
I used to live 5 miles from my parents and moved 480 miles away and I see them more now than I did living 5 miles away. They were so close I could visit them anytime so it was easy to put it off till tomorrow. Now being 480 miles away I make a point to seeing them and NOT putting it off till another day.
Anyway I am rambling here but you have helped me by sharing your story by realizing life is temporary and we are given no guarantees with it,
Dan the Dartman
Snowowl, I’ve never had any personal contact with you, but I know you from the years of browsing the forums. As someone who’s mother beat breastcancer (with a lot of radiation treatments and chemo), and my father momentarily receiving treatments for prostate cancer, I would like to express my sincere admiration for you and your wife’s positivity! Keeping the faith, being positive, trying to find humour in even the most terrible things is key to getting through this. That’s how we handled it here within the family. I wish you and Mrs. Owl ALL the best you can imagine, and any positive vibez you need will be sent with love. Keep your heads up, and surround yourselves with all the positive things you mentioned in your earlier post!
Respect for what you’re doing for the Forza community, but 100x more for what you’re doing for your wife.
Thank you!
Words from the experienced ring loud and clear.
I’m positive!