T10 employees to review replays....? mods are you reading this?

Alright T10 can you please let a couple of your employees (NOT volunteers) review replays with crashers?
The marshal program was a complete failure and the poor snowowl is super busy, plus his inbox is full, which means many of us cannot send him the details of shared replays.

Where are the moderators? Are you reading this? Can you pass the message? We’re sick and tired of this situation. Nobody is doing anything to help us.


I’ve said this many times over the past year, surely they can have a random draw for they Turn 10 employees to determine who reviews replays for any given day. Snowowl does so much for us and doesn’t get anything but our thank yous as payment.



I hear you all on this 1. It’s about time t10 stopped relying on snowowl and helped him out.


Reality check, its not going to happen!!!..


We really need to stop this sort of attitude and keep pressuring them. Every post like this has the above reply in 1 word or another and it really isn’t very helpful.

How about something positive like “I totally agree I don’t think it will happen but u have my support” isn’t that a much better approach


You have to agree it is getting old. I just will not believe there are that many deliberate crashers. I think the reason they are over loaded with replays is because everyone is sending replays whenever they get bumped. You can not be suspending someone for poor racing etiquette or lack of experience either. They have no way of knowing if the replay you send is an actual crasher or just poor racing. They probably get so many nonsense replays, they can’t review all of them. It’s funny how I play the game everyday and enjoy it so much. When I get wrecked, I stop and think was it deliberate or just a racing incident. Was it lack of skill or poor racing? Most times it is lack of skill and poor racing. I rarely run into deliberate wreckers.


Ask snowowl. I’m sure he will tell you it’s not little bumps.
He never complained about receiving too many replays with non-existent intentional crashes.
Plus, only a few Forza players know how to report via the official forum…and they’re all in here. People who know what they’re doing (also checking the telemetry of the wrecker to be sure it was intentional).


I was the “Turn 10 Crash Team” back in Forza 4…

The reports / submitted replays probably ran along the lines of:

  • 1/3 intentional crashers - players just out to crash, not race at all - these were the obvious bans
  • 1/3 “jerks” - bumping people off their line, using the car in front as a brake, over-aggressive play, etc - but not “ban-worthy”
  • 1/3 nonsense - “race-incidents” or accidents that clearly did not show intent and clearly did not deserve a ban (or any other penalty)

A lot of the “crashers” at the time received bans, but literally hundreds of hours were wasted reviewing replays that should never have been submitted.

When FM5 came out - with its very limited replay system - Turn 10 showed interest in continuing the efforts. Plus, as everyone knows, the changes MS made to the Xbox “Gold” membership made it much much easier for the ‘bad guys’ to simply create new gamertags…


Thank for your real insight Don.

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Perhaps if the voting system worked with fewer votes, (perhaps 1/4 of players in the lobby) then the clean group of racers could actually monitor and vote out the crashers with little effort form turn 10. Just a thought to help the continuing problem with a system already mostly in place by the developers.

They do not have the time or resources to review all this for an over a year old game. Custom Public lobbies would solve the whole problem, than they would not have to review or deal with complaints about wreckers since the host would be able to kick them. This is what is needed and a corner cut penalty. There I just solved 90% of the issues but they won’t listen. If crowd funded Project Cars can have these feature, why can’t Forza???

The thing I’ve seen is drivers will retaliate if they think someone wrecked them. It’s become the way to police wreckers. With three month old replays not being viewed, the bad drivers don’t feel threatened. I still try to follow the rules and hope our replays will be viewed soon . Ps. I do appreciate snowowl and his efforts.

I’ve seen this problem ever since f3 but u guys need to realize that there is alot of us getting wrecked and sending replays. They would have to hire 50 to 60 people to even put a dent in this. Also I see alot of us (me included) taking matters in are own hands by wrecking the person that wrecked us. Now that person can send the replay that shows us wrecking them, even if it was in retaliation. This topic is going to go on forever. I think the best thing would find people with good reputations and give them the powers to kick people who are wrecking from lobbys. I have friends like rb77 and don joewon song that have the ability to remove people from a lobby and get them banned if needed. So turn ten could give some of us the power to do this should help

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Why would they need to hire 50 to 60 people? The one single volunteer mod was doing it well and keeping up just fine. They really don’t need to hire anyone, they need to have a different already employee of Turn 10 review all the replays for the day when they show up to work(should only take 2 hours max) then go about their normal day.


Who cares if it’s a year old we paid for a game we should be able to play it online free from agrovation.

Yes lots of silly replays get subitted I’m sure but that’s what u get from a extremely poor reporting system or lack of any system other than peoples free time. If this problem was dealt with correctly from the start with feedback given to those who report with the possibility of a punishment for false reporting then the silly replays wouldn’t be a problem

Retaliation is a big problem our team all agree not to retaliate but even we see the red mist sometimes it’s very hard after the 17th intentional bump.

Searchable lobbys would also help but there not the exclusive answer.

They should! And yes, long term playability comes into it, because if T10 doesn’t care about the game they created, why should we buy Forza 7? Are they not going to care about that at all either? Probably. The marshall idea was a step in the right direction, but too little too late.


You simply have to start looking at this in a different ray of light. You are looking for a perfect race every time. That is not going to happen! I look at it like this, if I have one good race out of 5. It’s ok. Stuff happens. That is what you get when everyone wants to win. Stuff happens. As long as I am not intentionally wrecked, I am ok with it. I realize, maybe he did not see me, maybe his braking was off. For all I know he could have sneezed. Most times when wrecks happen it is more than 75% a lack of patience, when you try to put that car where you know it should not be, something is going to happen. When you start 8th on the grid, you have a very good chance you are not going to win. When you try to stuff that car up to the front, you are looking for trouble. There just are not that many deliberate crashers. It does not matter what you do, it will never change until racers change. Penalties might help a bit. But custom lobbies will not, the first time YOU are kicked from a lobby for a racing incident or a mistake, you will be back on here complaining. Also, retaliation is not the answer. Be a better sportsman than that.

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If a wrecker complains he was kicked he will learn not to wreck people eventually or stop playing. Either way not my problem, I don’t wreck people and would probably host my own lobby. I would rather get kicked once in a while than play one race in a hopper. The wrecker can host a bunch of wreckers and they can hit each other all they want. We should not cater to these people cause they might complain. Also keep the hoppers too. CPL’s give us control of who we race with, rather than wasting time and resources sending reply after reply to people who have better things to do with their time. It is an immediate fix. They will be gone from your lobby. Reporting takes time and does not guarantee anything will be done. You would not need to ban people anymore. It’s better for everyone.

Yeah, well I remember when I was playing Forza back in the day when I was not so good. I made mistakes. I was pretty upset when I got kicked from lobbies, because I was not that good. Made me feel like crap. If you want a private lobby, race private with your friends. Don’t create a lobby so you have the power to kick racers out.

I do race in private but I would like the option for public when they are not around, or say we want a full lobby where we do not get hit every 2 seconds. Yes you may get kicked here and there but the tradeoff is worth it and I am not saying get rid of hoppers. We can have both.

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