Is anything being done about wreckers?

Six weeks ago I sent the most shocking replay of abusive wrecking in to SnowOwl. He has yet to respond . What is going on ? Is anything being done ?

Snowowl is a very busy chap, and he doesn’t directly work for T10. He’s simply a volunteer moderator for the forums. He’ll come round to it eventually.

Also, T10 is a small company with only a handful of employees, it’s difficult for them to implement any consistent methods to stop it unfortunately, but they are trying.

I know at one point about a month ago he was 3-4 weeks back logged because family comes first, it’s possible that he may have missed a few while getting caught up.

Turn 10 is not a small studio.

Turn 10 “Community Team” is small. The developers are all over the place, check the in-game Credits. People who deal with the public are only a little more than a handful.

I have a replay (or something) from you six DAYS ago, not weeks. When it is processed, you’ll hear from me. A have a LOT to go through, and my wife’s condition is first priority.
