[Mod Edit] wreckers..gamertag [Mod Edit]

a group of players [Mod Edit] have been wrecking E and D class lobbys every day… where do I send replays?

I think Snowowl. And you can’t name name’s on the forum. Just letting you know.

Snowowl didn’t reply in a long time. He’s always in Forza Horizon 3 forum. Anybody else?

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Nobody cares about wreckers. Their money is just important as yours in turn 10’s eyes.

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Lol. [Mod Edit] is strikingly close to F4H. Can’t wait for the hate messages… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sadly i would agree with the last statement unless " they " choose to take action of their own accord because it happened to be in their best interest ( how that conclusion comes about is between “them” ).
I would imagine that since Horizon 3 has just come out then the focus is on that game at this time . For how long is anyones guess though.
You can still record and send in incidences as per usual . Thats it …

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You put the video on your sharefront with a title which doesn’t name the gamertag/s and then you send an email to Snowowl with the details - something like this:

gamertag - RB13 RICCIARDO

Date/Time - early October

Location - Hockenheim GP

Description - This person entered a D Class lobby and proceeded to knock others off the track without attempting to race them. He was using a Honda Civic '97 and can be seen (details of times) at these points in the video

I hope this helps you in your quest to clean up the lobbies. I wonder if that sample email jogs your memory at all?

I think it’s time this thread was locked now

the leader of [Mod Edit]… gamertag [Mod Edit]

Can’t you vote to kick player?


  1. to kick someone you need 50% of the votes, so if there are 24 players in the lobby, you need 12 votes
  2. most of the players don’t know about the votekick feature and don’t know how to kick someone
  3. Turn 10 hid the feature, on purpose.

As a result, nobody ever gets kicked.


in forza 4 the vote to kick worked and wreckers were kicked…

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he goes in to lobbys with 3 to 5 F4R friends…so is hard to kick out of lobby…

If none of the above mentioned works, just block them all and you will not be place in the same lobby as them…

That is a common myth on the Xbox One, the block button does nothing but block all communication between you and the person you’ve blocked. With Forza not being the most popular game you end up getting matched up with a lot of the same people if you play at the same time every day. My buddies and I have blocked people just to see them the very next day and the day after that.