How or who do I report wreckers to?

Who needs to see my replays of wreckers?

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You have a Private Message on these forums.

Yes, and you could send the footage to a moderator and possibly a member of the Turn 10 staff if select members are active on the forums.

This is the gentleman that is single handed lay making our game a better place to race. Now the secret is out so let’s see what you do with it.

Just go to their gamercard, block them and they won’t bother you again.

That’s not true - blocking them through XBL does not prevent them from being in a public lobby with you in Forza. It blocks XBL features like messaging and voice communication, but not participation.


It definitely blocks participation. Of course you have to leave the lobby and enter a new one to get rid of them. And in some cases you might struggle to find games (haven’t experienced it in Forza) because the matchmaking first tries to find matches based on your skill, then removes all that have players with whom you don’t want to play anymore. I have never seen a player I blocked in Forza ever again. And I block a lot of people.

The better option would be to notify T10 staff, as that not only helps you, but the community as well.

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There should be a in game system for this.

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blockbox 1


There’s a guy currently racing in the Enthusiast B Modern Sport Legends that is just taking people out of the race. He took me out of a race a bit ago, and is now just targeting people at random.

Save the race replay. Share the replay and send snowowl a message on here… remove the guys name from ur post since naming and shaming isnt allowed on this site

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This is what you do to report someone. Record the on purpose crash via Xbox record that and send the clip to Snow Owl. He looks at the clip in great detail to see if it could be an accident and with this evidence he then sends it to Turn 10 for discipline if needed. I know he is working hard too as there have been many posts about getting banned from those crashers ( why have I been banned blah blah blah )


Well I to have blocked over 400 ppl and yet I still see them joining to the lobby I am in. I you have them blocked and one of those blocked ppl get an invite from one of their friends they can join right in. The block feature only stops communication and that’s it.

If you have needed to block over 400 people it may be worth considering what the problem is.


Now the question is, are they actually “wreckers” or just a typical gentle tap that sends your car flying around like it weighs 8lbs?

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How do I go about reporting wreckers using a replay for proof?

PM sent.

Who is the main one to pm on here? I don’t do this much if you can’t tell lol.