Can someone explain why sometimes, when earning skills, you don’t see the wheel pop up and they just disappear? I thought maybe it was because I had too many outstanding skill points to use up but I used some last night and it’s still doing it.
You can only get a max of 3 skillpoints per chain ie 300,000 total points.
If you mean your chain totally disappears it means you have crashed into something or flipped your car.
Once the skill points earning chain is initiated you continue to accrue points so as long as you don’t crash into another car or another car crashes into you or you hit a wall or tree or something. If you don’t the skill chain continues to accrue until the game senses it’s time to break the chain and assign you the points earned.
No sorry what I mean is that as yo accrue the the skills and the chain has ended, the icon appears up the top to add it to what you already have and then as the bar hits max, you get the skill point. Quite a lot of the time I’m getting the skill chain but it’s not adding on
I think I know what you mean. You talk about the small icon on the top of the screen which indicates how many skillpoints you earned ?
If it is that, I noticed the same thing. Somethimes it shows up and sometimes no
Its when you hit 999 skill points. No wheel as you have maxed out until you use some of them.
Check you skill points total as posted above… once you reach 999 the skill points wheel doesn’t do it’s animation.
Yep the counter that spins round and adds the points onto the total at the end of the skill chain. Frustrating when you earn loads in a race and it doesn’t add on