Skill Points broken?

I decided to do drift runs around the airstrip for half an hour to get loads of skill chains so that I could unlock more skills with them. I ended up banking just over 1 million points with a x10 multiplier from a skill song (making over 10 million skill points in 1 run) but for some reason that didn’t unlock any skill points at all - the wheel logo thing didn’t appear and I had to restart the game in order for skill chains to count towards anything. Any idea what caused this? Could it be that such a large skill chain caused an error? Without any skill points it looks like I’ve just wasted my time…

I’m sorry to not have an answer for you, but I have another question about the Skill Points: I was under the impression that it was possible to get more than three. I did some skills on the launch day and was sure that I got them pretty quickly, but now making 350k get’s me three skill points, the same amount from 5 million. It’s this just happening with me, or it really is limited to 3 points per chain?

Yup, 3 points is the cap.

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I checked there - I had 3 before the run and 3 after it, no 0 increase from the 10 million score.

Ah, that’s a shame. At least I’ll know to stop at a few hundred thousand before going for millions again lol.

I’ve noticed that the wheel doesn’t always show up for me, but if I go to the progress tab (I think, same tab stats and wheelspins are under), they are banked there. When I first noticed this, I realized it had been a while since I’d seen the wheel. When I went to the tab, it said 9+ were banked. When I actually opened the skills section, I had like 13 skill points to spend.

Ha ha, same thing happened to me. Would it have killed them to have the actual number instead of 9+? Same amount of characters, LOL.

What? I banked some 2 Million but got more than 10 Points

The wheel disapears after you go into drone mode (or at least, that’s what I found), maybe there are some other ways of breaking it.
The only way to fix it is to reboot the game.

That said, you still get your points if the wheel isn’t there. You don’t get notifications when you level up once it’s broken, but you can still access your skill points through the menu.
I still got my skills counted anyway.

You can’t get more than 3 skill points per skill chain, so it is a good idea to stop at around 300 000 points (I didn’t know in the beginning and I banked more than 1 million points as well, but that nets you only 3 skill points).

There is also a way to break the radio (or at least Timeless FM) by starting a bucket list challenge and changing the station to Timeless FM. After you finish the challenge and when the music track stops, there is not music on the Timeless FM radio station anymore (until you reboot). Although Timeless FM stopped playing one time altogether without doing anything. I don’t know if it’s the same for the other radiostations.

Also, my Xbox Achievement notifications don’t pop after playing FH3 for a while (I still don’t know what causes this). I still get the achievements, but no notifications (they are on in the settings). The only way I found to fix those is reboot the whole system.

Btw, I agree about the 9+ skills, but I think they did it because they can’t put 99+ as there is not enough space (and it is technically possible to get over 99 skill points without banking them).

True, I have well over 200 skill points in the bank currently.