Should I Re-install?

Had two separate tickets come back as ‘solved’ but not fixed. Should I re-install my game to see if I can fix them myself and if I do, how much of a pain is that to accomplish? Forza Horizon 5 PC.

I’ve already tried everything else including resetting and resyncing but the problems continue.

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Is this Store or Steam version and what problems are you having with the game?

Weekly Forzathon won’t activate when I drive the designated car.
Any challenge associated with driving a specific distance won’t register.

I already posted those earlier in the forums so didn’t want to post them again here as the original posts didn’t solve the issue. I was really only looking for advice on how to reinstall or if I should bother.

Ah, ok, no worries. Did not see your original post(s) and can’t really advise as i am on Steam. Hopefully a Store user can provide you with the advice that you need. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

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There’s the nagging unknown the gives me pause.


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Also true. At present, the bugs are only denying me seasonal points and forzathon points. If the bug affects my ability to acquire a needed vehicle, that will be another story.

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Have you tried turning it off and on again?

I hate to sound like a KB reading, 1st level tech support dude, but did you try the Repair and Reset options under Settings->Apps->Installed Apps->FH5?

I have reinstalled the game before without a problem and I hope it goes smooth for you if you decide to do it. I am going to reinstall again soon because its take over two minutes to load now. I have super fast NVMe drives in a RAID 0 config and it used to load in under 30 seconds. Let me know if the reset helped… if not I’ll try and help you find another solution.

Right there in the first post. :wink:

Thanks for the reinstall confirmation though. So nothing special I need to do or worry about then?

Sad to report that reinstalling the game did nothing to fix the problem.

Well, I’m at least glad to hear it didn’t cause any other problems. Sorry I missed that last part of your first post.

Do achievements work for you? What about the progress in the Rally Adventure expansion?

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Yeah. Everything else is working great. For now. :smirk:

Tried this issue to fix my problem given I can’t even get to point to raise a ticket :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Uninstalled game now can’t get it back.
After the long of suffering FH4 & its issues. FH5 has carried on tradition.
To the point it’s driven me away from it now.
Game over.

Have you read this?

Forzathon weekly challenge not working. : r/ForzaHorizon (

Yup. Was brought to my attention in my original post. Tried them all with no luck.

Uploading: 80b5b48fa01b2c19c16749c4c001755.jpg…
How to solve this problem on Xbox

As far as I know, this was fixed already. Haven’t had the issure for quite some time now. This post is over a year old.