Rather worried about a stuck re-installation!!!!

Hey guys!

Getting a bit worried at the minute, I’ve had some online and sharing issues with Forza 5 and it was recommended to me that I re-install the game. I did so but but the process got stuck at 68%, and after probably five minutes, I tested if the game was playable, which it was. Then after another five, it was still stuck so I cancelled the re-install and sterted again, but now after five, it just says “installing”. No progress bar, no percentage. Going to restart my console now (hard reset) and update you then.

And when I do get the game firing on all cylinders again, will I still have my game save? I’ve Googled it and people say it’s save on the Cloud and it will be fine, but I want a good answer from the Forza faithful.


Hard reset my console and tried to install the game and again it has stalled at 68%. I’m going to inspect the disc now and will report back once the installation has gotten to a decent percentage.

Whatever u do don’t play the game while it is installing… remove the game fully and then try it again when u get ready for bed and let it do its thing while u sleep

Right, so what I did was completely uninstalled the game, removed the disc, hard reset and plugged out my console for 5-10 minutes. Then, I restarted the installation, watched the world cup and after 40 minutes or so, I saw that it had reached the dreaded 68%. But then, around 20 minutes later it was at 69%. I then played my 360 for a bit and when I went to bed at 11 o’clock last night, it was at 70%. Now, at nearly 9 o’clock th following morning, I have 97%.

As far as a reason for the slow install, it did say when it started that I had 13GB of updates to download and install but I don’t see how it could have taken that long to do. Now my internet is fairly useless at the moment, a download speed of around 2.5 mbps, but I downloaded Euro Truck Simulator 2 (around 15-20GB) in a couple of hours so I have no clue what the problem is.

Yeah it is frustratingly slow but at least it’s getting there… hopefully by now it has installed correctly and you can get back to racing. Keep me updated bud

Game is now (finally) installed, and although I haven’t tested whether the online issue I had is resolved, my design upload problem is still there unfortunately. It hasn’t seemed to make a huge difference if at all, but I really don’t want to go through that installation again. Hopefully when I get new, fast internet next week I should have more luck online.