Should Forza have a Manufacturer's or Nation's Cup style series like GT7 has?

The game isn’t ready for anything like that until the FRR and driver ratings/matchmaking are working correctly but when it is would having a proper racing event series like those be a good addition?


Any proper racing series would be a bonus to this anorexic game.

As you said. So much to sort out before we get anywhere near that unfortunately.

If the answer to that question is Yes, please mark it in the Suggestions Hub where we’re looking for ideas and vote count:


Thank you for linking that. I was going to make a suggestion myself but was waiting to see what people thought.

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The game looks empry so any adding will be a bonus imho.


I would like championships that include race cars and reward you with faster and faster cars as you complete them…

You know…

Like a CAREER.


You’re a madman, asking for crazy stuff like that.

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In this day and age, people still think a career mode will save this game. No, it won’t.

Microsoft needs to pull the plug on Forza Motorsport. It’s harsh, but it’s the truth.

And they shouldn’t stop there either. After the huge flop that was Hellblade II, I’d personally trim down XGS, keep only Playground, Obsidian, Rare and a largely restructured 343 Industries (the only ones with products that generate some interest in the Xbox camp), and basically let Bethesda and ABK handle first-party development as wholly owned subsidiaries of Xbox. No more bleeding money on Turn 10, Coalition, vanity studios with useless projects like Double Fine, Ninja Theory and inXile.

Also, I’d ditch the console and go full third-party. The Xbox console is a money pit, always has been. Focus on Windows PC instead as well as occasional releases on PlayStation and Switch.

You can bet this is what’s gonna happen when Phil Spencer finally gives way to pressure and is forced to accept that Xbox would be stronger if it went third-party.

Also a good idea in the single player career as well. Here’s where you can vote for the single player championship series to get added to the game.

With the new endurance races I’ve seen a lot of players posting about being single player only players. If you’re one of those single player only player take time to vote. Don’t know if it makes a difference or not but at least we’re trying.

I don’t like the single player game, it would be a good idea to introduce more options to the multiplayer mode

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