I emailed this exactly as u see it to turn 10. I would like to see what the community has to say… How is my aim??
Hi guys.
I’ve been playing Forza Motorsport since it’s release on the original xbox. I recently purchased an xbox one with the sole purpose of playing FM5. I have loved every one of them and have got many many hours of fun and racing with them.
FM5 is visually and audibly stunning and the driving surpasses all other forza games but for me it stops there unfortunately.
I really don’t know what u guys have done…For a start, why have u taken so many tracks and cars out of the game? It can’t be money or licence, it’s the biggest selling console sim racer on the market backed by the biggest software company in the world in Microsoft. In terms of what u are giving ur customers it’s disgraceful! U are going to try mask it as dlc and charge us €40 or €50 extra for a season pass or €17/€19 per pack on top of the €65 it cost for the game and then still deny us the right to swap cars and designs amongst friends. The amount of tracks and cars with the base game is awful, the nurburgring on its own is not good enough… Where is Suzuka, Tsukuba, Mugello, Blue Mountain, Fujimi Kaido, Sunset Peninsula and Maple Valley?? Why aren’t they in the game as the have all been previously. I get the feeling they will be, but of course at extra cost!
Then there’s the fact that u can’t sell cars back to the game any more… Such a basic thing! Why is it gone?? The payouts in the career are crap and when u do get the cars u need the in game cr becomes useless because u have nothing to spend it on as only jap tuners and a few others have additional body kits etc and even at that the selection available is minimalist. Of course if u want extra cars u have to pay real money…where is night and day racing? Adverse weather?? Why does the sun have to blind me on every second corner? Do I have to pay extra for this too??
Then there’s the online multiplayer… Still no setup adjustment before a race for one thing, which I can live with but another is the lack of ahead/behind HUD info. Where’s the harm in letting us know how far behind or ahead the next car is… All the other fm games had it measured in feet and meters as well as timing gaps… Then there’s the amount of cars bouncing around the track while u race… I have a 200mb fibre optic connection that runs 19ms ping at a max and at least 3 of my friends are with the same provider yet they go bouncing around, loosing cohesion and appearing and disappearing in random parts of the track causing crashes and arguments because u really don’t know who’s at fault. It’s just not good enough for a company who has been at this game for a very long time now.
I am very disappointed with the game. It promised to be the be all and end all but by now ( after 3 weeks) I feel I have done all I can with the game. It has lost my interest and that is the most disturbing thing for me… I don’t even want to buy Horizon 2 now because I have a feeling it will look amazing but will end up being a bloody money racket full of in game purchases and will be left short of what’s promised as with FM5.
I don’t not feel happy writing this mail and am not one to do such a thing often but the shortcomings are too much… Address it, or project cars will wipe forza off the face of the planet!
This has been gone over repeatedly. Many will agree, as do i, that Forza 5 is missing many vital features, especially community focused ones. Having said that, this will either be locked or merged somewhere else most likely.
You’re not alone in these opinions, so it’s pretty close to the mark what you’ve said. Just don’t expect much if any reply from Turn 10.
Try and find something to like and stick with it. Horizon 2 is supposed to be expanding community features, I doubt they’ll be back to their former glory, but at least you can have car meets with up to 11 friends in Horizon 2 and trade tunes and paints.
I’ve been reading up on horizon 2. It seems like it’s gonna be more complete in terms of community based activities. I like the idea of the meets and swaps etc. I just worry that they are gonna hold back a lot of stuff that we will be inevitably charged for later on…
I doubt people would mind having to pay extra later for dlc if the core game offers a lot from the get go…that’s the problem with FM5. The amount of features, cars and tracks missing compared to previous games.
DLC should be stuff that adds to the game… Not stuff that was in previous games for free initially. ( I know there was dlc for th other games but the actual games came with more cars and tracks to begin with)
FYI - there have been three tracks released so far post launch:
Road America
Long Beach
These have all been FREE (not extra per your comment above) and have come with extra achievements also at no charge. They have also extended the car pass to include the track pack cars and for at least 2 additional car packs for no additional charge.
Turn 10 is rescanning all cars and real tracks for the XBox One. This process takes time and requires access to the vehicle/track. I agree that it is disappointing to be missing cars and tracks from previous versions but there is a valid reason.
They havnt even fixed the core playability online so that shows you how much they car about this iteration of this game. As for the tracks, yeah they were free but they should have been there from the start as with all the DLC cars. We are all just getting milked for money for a launch game.
While Forza 5 does not have as many tracks or cars please keep in mind that it is a launch title on a new system. All new cars and completely new tracks. It takes time to build. Just look at how the game progressed from Forza 2 until Forza 4. This is the biggest redesign since forza 2. Have some patience. I personally can’t believe they didn’t charge us for the tracks or extra car packs (Thanks Turn 10!). I am having a blast and can’t wait until Horizon 2 or Forza 6.
I’m really glad they came out with Forza 5 when they did! If you had a PS4 you’ve got no Gran Turismo for it. I was dissapointed with this version when it came out also. Sure, a lot of features were and are still missing, I really miss the clubs, and the online racing has been problematic at times, but they’ve been working hard to turn Forza 5 into something much different than it was at launch. The free extra tracks and cars have really been great. And if you have the car pass it’s really brought the number of cars up quite a bit. I almost got to the point of being done with it at one point, but the extra tracks and features just kept me hooked. They nailed the graphics and physics, the rest has been a continual work in progress. I would much rather have this as the starting point and have Forza 6 coming up, than to have nothing or have to wait an extra year or two. I have to applaud T10 for getting this out when they did and for their continual work improving it.
What many people do not realise is this is not a simple sequel on the same console like fm4 was a sequel to fm3.
What that means is the cars and tracks are not simple ports. Yes they have reused some assets but every car and track has in some way been rebuilt, reworked or tweaked for fm5.
If you want to look at it as content being removed, it was all removed so anything we have is what has been rebuilt so far.
I guess people find it truly hard to believe that they had to rebuild every car & track from scratch. Remember people, the jump to FM6 will be like FM3 to FM4. A lot of the work has been done for FM5. All they need to do for FM6 is work on building the additional cars & tracks on top of what was next-gen rebuilt content for FM5.
Yep, brilliant. Buy a game many months after release, with no doubt plenty of places to get accurate reviews outside of this forum and shocked that it is missing the things he was looking for. I seriously wonder how some people don’t get run over crossing the road.
Once again this complaint is so November 2013. Many have complained. turn 10 has listened the game has improved. It is the first release on next Gen. Do search and you will see that you are just rehashing the same old lines not adding anything new.
I have also been playing the Forza series since the first Forza Motorsport. It is dear to me, it is my favorite game. It lets me be a race car driver from the comfort of my living room. I enjoy it immensely, as I know many of us do.
My view on the subject is that for the new generation of hardware, we have to act like the previous titles never existed. They have started from a blank slate and to my knowledge were the first title to be solely dedicated to the Xbox One. There was also a learning curve on the 360, titles that were released at launch were far inferior to titles released even a couple years into the life cycle.
I would consider this the dawn of a new era. The core mechanics are in place, the driving is spectacular, the graphics are beautiful. Sure, we lost some beloved cars and tracks, but they have done right by the community by offering three tracks for free and extending the value of the car pass.
Great things are to come, enjoy what we’ve got now. The driving is great and contrary to popular opinions, I haven’t had that big of a problem with crashers online.
I think this is the best Forza yet, in my opinion.