Shifting in replays

I still haven’t gotten my own copy of 6 yet, but sitting here playing 5 a thought occurred to me while watching a replay.

The shifting in replays has been messed up in Forza forever. Since 4 at least that I know of. With just about every car, if you shift any faster than an arthritis-ridden grandma then in the replay it’s going to bounce off the rev limiter for a solid second between gear shifts. It’s not a big deal to me since I don’t care much about replays (though it could be because this problem is silly and it ruins replays) but in all these years I’ve never once seen an explanation for why this happens, and they don’t seem interested in fixing it. Perhaps because it’s a lot harder to fix than it seems? I dunno.

But that’s my question for the community. Is this still an issue in FM6? Or has it been resolved?

Furthermore, what is the reason for this ever happening in the first place, if anyone even knows?

Bump, because it’s silly that nobody can answer a simple question.

Seriously? All I want to know is if the shifting is still messed up in replays. Sheesh. Lol.

I have a few Game DVRs shared that I took from replays, you could check them.
