So i had recently found out that they are going to make everyone pay for the map expansion. Since i bought the ultimate edition of the game 100$ i believe i should be entitled to all the dlc. What does dlc stand for you might ask? Downloadable Content… It really irritates me that they would make you pay for more dlc when they said you will be getting all the dlc if you purchase the ultimate edition. I love Forza and i will always continue to, but really turn 10 and Microsoft you are going to make us pay for extra content that should have already been in the game to began with. The map you gave us is small i can travel around less than 15 mins, in a fast car that is. The crew gave the gamers a map that took 30 mins driving across not around, i just want you guys to know that it is very shady that you guys are going to be taking more money out of my pocket when i had initially invested 100$ to get the dlc content. Make Forza Great Again!
I am now writing this for the third time. I have been palmed off from Microsoft to write on this forum to receive a response from Playground Games. As a loyal customer of Forza/Microsoft I feel like you have mislead gamers around the world with the so called “Ultimate” edition. I purchased this"ultimate" edition believing that I was receiving everything that this game offers. To my dismay I find out that not only are Playgrounds planning/pre planned “expansion” packs but it isn’t included in the Ultimate edition bundle. I spent more money to buy the “ultimate” edition believing that I would get all the content as you had marketed with all the different editions. This is false advertisement for example if you were to go into a store and buy a product that uses the word Ultimate you would believe you would be receiving everything that is available. With your “Ultimate” edition you don’t get everything. Also when the car pass runs out I’m guessing you’ll also have more car packs. Next time you do editions make sure you Clearly use describing words that mislead gamers into buying the product with the belief that they are receiving everything. This needs to stop with Microsoft and with Playground games. Developers wonder why us gamers get pissed off when the companies are the ones misleading us and using us as if we only a cash cow.
Step it up by giving ALL Ultimate edition owners the Expansion pass for free as implied by the use of Ultimate edition and restore the faith between game developers and the gamers.
Thank you for your feedback.
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