Hi , first of all i would like to congratulate the development team of FM 6 , you guys have done a wonderfull work . Thank you !!!
Now, i just purchased the forza motorsport 6 ultimate edition on the xbox one console , i owned forza motorsport 5 standard edition and didn’t appreciate one bit that the fastest and most competitive cars came from dlc wich i didn’t owned, but it is understandable ; for that same reason i purchased the “ultimate” edition of FM 6 to have access to “all the cars of the game”, however , i felt lied to, cheated , the victim of a fraude , when i opened the game and found out i did not had access to all cars such as NASCAR and PORSCHE .
What kind of scam is this microsoft ? If you buy the most expensive version of the game and still have to pay even more to have access to all the cars, then what’s the point ?
What do you want ? My house , my car and all my salary too ? This is outrageous … then , later you ask yourself why people turn to piracy huh !!!
Read the fine print about what you get, no fraud has been committed by Microsoft, you are just expecting more than what was provided.
I agree , no fraud have been commited , they just want you to pay 200 dollars for a game , i think the name for that is theft , robbery . XDDD
I guess i should go back to the good ol piracy hehehe , they diserve just that … fault of the marketing team … not the development team witch is awesome .
Thank you friend , have a good one . ;- )
You do realize that the ultimate edition came out at game launch right? It’s not the marketing teams fault you bought that version of the game 9 months later. Things change fast with big title games.
I guess for now on you’ll research what you’re buying or at least read the description. I highly recommend that if you should ever get hooked on Destiny.
There’s no fine print at all
It states very clearly what’s included and you would have got that
People really need to READ what they are paying for before buying it
You aren’t the first to say this either
There’s been at least 20 similar threads same as yours
The complaint is getting so old and boring and has been posted since before the porsche expansion was released
Same complaints happened with forza 4 when the porsche expansion was released
Usually they will just be merged with the others or just locked
It’s no different than previous editions
Just because you assume it includes everything doesnt mean it will
Its a carpass ( not a season pass ) that includes 6 car packs of 7 cars …its clearly printed in the description
No where does it state it includes ALL dlc
Or the expansion packs either
Would be nice if it did …expect it to cost at least $50 more if it did
I guess it’s just the entitled generation that we are now living amongst
Want everything for nothing
Have a step daughter and her boyfriend that expect everything for nothing as well…
Thank you all for replying .
talby71 said this "Would be nice if it did …expect it to cost at least $50 more if it did
I guess it’s just the entitled generation that we are now living amongst " . My answer to you friend goes like this … Why are you defending microsoft like it was your own company ? do you agree that a game with access to all it’s content should be 170 or 200 dollars ? it really makes me wonder … are you a real player ? don’t you feel violate it just one bit ?? I have 10 or more friends in my list that play forza 6 … and ALL of them think exacly the same as i do … maybe because of people like you that accepts everything and pay for whatever they say , conformists ,no disrespect … not me friend , i don’t agree with this extorsion at all … if they keep this up and we let them by buying it , the games will end up at 500 dollars you see . Why do you take the side of the mega corporation ?? be on the side of the people friend .
thank you talby71 , have a good one .
Today’s the last day Porsche is 50% off. I’m sure Nascar will be on sale someday as well. Just sayin…
I suppose you ought to vote with your wallet, then. Because unfortunately, this isn’t anything new with Forza - it’s been that way since Forza 4.
While it doesn’t mean that I support the decision of the team, I would also expect them to be capable of providing more “bang for the buck”, considering the fact that you don’t have much information about what will be in the car pass until all of the packs are released that are included. But as always,
If you don’t want to support it, don’t. If you do, then do. Not much we can do as people that are contending with your opinion other than agree or disagree, and given T10’s track record of responding to criticism such as this, I wouldn’t hold my breath regarding any changes to the current “system”.
Yeah Cody Ghastface , so what does the season pass mean?? i get all the cars in the season right ? well no , wrong XDDD …so what’s the point of buying the season pass anyway . is the season over ?? the season is less than a year ?? that’s right they keep it with little information so they can pull this type of stuff … it is shamefull , even more shamefull is to see there are people that come here to defend the mega corporation microsoft . shame on you microsoft … shame shame shame .
It’s not a season pass though
It’s a carpass which includes 6 packs of 7 cars
Buying it this way you get it at a discounted rate
That’s the description of it…nothing more and nothing less
Nobody is defnding them
It’s the way it goes nowadays
When you pay your money you agree to those terms
If you dont like it …dont buy it
Microsoft make games to make money …not to break even and make everyone happy
You really need to read what you pay for
Buying it and then complaining about it is too late
By buying the game you have already agreed to the “extortion” you go on about
No one forces you to buy the ultimate edition
That’s your choice
You could just buy the basic edition and enjoy the game
You dont have to buy all the dlc either…its an optional extra
There’s no gun to your head making you
Sound like a spoilt little kid…exactly like my step daughter
Don’t get along with your step daughter do you? lol
Nah she just expects everything to be just handed to her
I call it princess syndrome where she thinks she’s entitled to anything without making an effort to work for it
Seems to be the way kids are nowadays
Girls seem to be worse…but her boyfriend is just as bad
Hello again talby71 , you really should stop defending microsoft friend, i am starting to think you are on they payroll XDDD . and please stop disrespecting and offending me , thank you .
it is obvious that they are taking advantage of the players . you can clearly see the policy of different games witch i won’t name here , where they respect our wallet . let me ask you … do you like or agree paying so much for a game ?? why are you taking their side , just say , yes i agree that it is getting more and more expensive nowadays .
( i’m brazilian , excuse me for english mistakes, i try my best )
Im not taking their side at all or defending them
Just saying you don’t have to pay for everything if you don’t want to
That’s totally your choice …you are letting them take advantage of you if buy the dlc when you dont agree with that policy
Cant blame them for your choices …don’t buy it if you don’t like it
I choose to buy the dlc…they are an option…it’s totally my choice
Most games do charge for dlc…
If you are referring to GTA they get your money by giving free dlc but you are pretty much forced to buy shark cards to play them
Like i said earlier its too late to complain about something once you’ve paid for it
there you go defending their policy again … are you so rich that you don’t care how much money they ask for games ?? its not so hard , just say yes i am against them charging so much for games . you can do it . Gooooosh , what is it with you wanting to disagree . it is obvious that those policys are wrecking video games world .
Yes i am not happy about them charging extra for games in dlc…happy now
But that is the way games are now…better get used it
Nothing gets cheaper…base games are still the same price they were 10 years ago…
But i will pay the extra for games i enjoy playing
Like forza …fallout and the witcher
Dont think you understand my point though
No use complaining about something after you have already bought it…and it has stated exactly what you get when you buy it…nothing more nothing less
But you expected more
Yeeeeeeah , you rock dude , of course i understand your point . Unfortunatedly for us it is like that , and they know it .
the games i really like i tend to buy the extra content too . it was just a surprise to me to see i would still have to pay even more , even after buying the top version .
I have learned my lesson , will double check what i buy from now on . Nice driving friend .
Yeeeeeeah , you rock dude , of course i understand your point . Unfortunatedly for us it is like that , and they know it .
the games i really like i tend to buy the extra content too . it was just a surprise to me to see i would still have to pay even more , even after buying the top version .
I have learned my lesson , will double check what i buy from now on . Nice driving friend .
It’s how Forza operates. The most expensive edition will only award you the first 6 car packs. I’d wait until the other packs are on sale to buy them. I believe Porsche expansion is half off now.
In addition xbox will likely do a mid-year blowout sale in a few weeks so there may be some deals to be had.
To be fair though, almost all the cars you’ll need to be competitive are in the ultimate edition with exception to a couple tracks where Nascar/Porsche are #1 on leaderboards.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you (sic) … and the things you did not say - if you are T10.
Wait a second here. I don’t go to the grocery store and buy a loaf of sandwich bread and expect a pound of ham with it. After all it is sandwich bread right…so where is the meat, oh wait, you mean I have to buy that. You never told me that. I have no problem paying for extra’s, no one works for free. Do you? Keep up the excellent job T-10. I am enjoying every add on, keep them coming.