Series 11 Content Update July 2

‘hard to find’, I think none of those 2 words apply to these cars, these are very rare cars but are not something you find and when you have opportunity to get it is usually not big challenge

These are more lucky cars as one has to be lucky to get them from wheelspin, from AH, or being lucky to be available at the week of the playlist for the expected car. There is nothing about finding or hard about those car to me.

Would have been a good thing to have few cars reachable by achieving some rivals , complete dirt rivals in B class to get Sub 2004 (score without hits) for instance, something that everyone can do but has that meaning that those cars require doing a little effort.

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I was never really crazy about that Caprice-looking ‘96 Impala, but looking forward to see what I can wind up doing with it nevertheless. And (almost) all is forgiven over that farm equipment nonsense after getting a look at the two incoming Mercedes-Benz’s. The new Raptor will be popular, no doubt, but with Ford trucks always being so well-represented in these games, this feels like a missed opportunity to incorporate something more refreshing, like a Chevrolet Silverado (a non-drift version), for example.

But totally stoked for Rivals. :+1:t2::v:t2:

Class based rivals is long overdue. This needs to be standard in the series from day one on every Forza game.

I was very upset when I found out how limited the rivals system was on Horizon 4. It really did ruin the game for me. If I can’t tune whatever car I think will work well in a controlled environment, how am I supposed to try to compete online. I didn’t think they’d ever bring it back but maybe now this game has a chance of being as good as Horizon 2 and 3.

Now I can finally stop with this drift adventure nonsense.

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Almost all of those cars, sans the Jeep, are great additions. Can’t wait for the Ranger. And some duplicates of the rare cars.

Wow. Not going to lie, I actually enjoyed last night’s stream, can definitely tell they’re all getting alot more confident in front of the camera, hats off to retro and her team, it was fun to watch.

As for the content… It looks fun and all but I wish they would stop locking everything away. I would love driving the two Mercs, but knowing I can’t have more than one, bit annoying tbh.

Also I did really enjoy the distinct lack of lego talk, I was worried if they were going to brag about how much everyone ‘loved’ it, but no, only a few pictures. Good stuff.

I’ll never like the whole ‘live service’ approach to this game, but at least they’re trying to make it more bearable.


Some great additions in this update. Still patiently waiting for a quick sell option for the endless duplicate cars won from wheelspins.

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Did they push the wheel spin changes to update 12 or just not talk about it??

They mentioned in the update 10 stream that update 11 would change wheel spins to gives us the opportunity to either except a duplicate vehicle or sell it on the spot for credits!

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As far as I know they never talked about an upcoming implementation, just ideas. I wouldn’t expect anything on this issue in the near future.

Regarding series 11: The MP4-12C is the star for me here. My favourite McLaren because it’s just a beauty and one I’ve driven irl.

All they need to do to make a huge difference is add one field to the database to indicate whether or not the car can be bought from the autoshow. Then someone needs to go through every car in the game and correctly populate that field. Then it needs some way to see that information, e.g. a symbol shown on each car, or a filter option to only show cars that can be bought from the autoshow. I spent about 5 hours the other day repeatedly clearing out my garage so I could spin all my queued wheelspins, it would have saved about 4 of those hours if the game had the above. But month after month goes by without them doing what I reckon would take less than a day of development work.

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Quote from the Series 9 live stream: “It would be possible to do but there would be difficulties implementing the feature when people win multiple cars.” (I presume the “multiple cars” part was referring to super wheel spins).

Quote from Series 10 live stream: “Yes we could implement this feature. It probably wouldn’t even be that difficult to do.”

Quote from Series 11 live stream: ”…” (Threre’s nothing to quote because the topic wasn’t mentioned).

Translation: “Yes we could remove duplicate wheel spins, it probably isn’t that difficult to do and wouldn’t even require that much time, but we can’t be bothered so please kindly sod-off.”

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Dont see any mention of that in the realease notes so probably not

Series 11 release time
Is it 6 pm uk time?

Pretty sure it’s 5pm, that’s when the last one arrived if i remember right.

Typical release time is 10am Pacific (about 10 minutes from now), but it may vary from user to user:

To prompt the download, around quarter past the hour reboot, and then start the game (on console) or use your PC’s programs menu to update the game.

An updated game should show version 1.317.24

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1.317.24.0 is what X1X has been since Lego update. PC currently is 1.317.19.2.

Obviously they got the version wrong. Again.

Just updated, X1X is 1.322.222.0; PC is 1.322.218.2

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The update is now live and 3.5 GB on PC.

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Yep, and 3.37 GB on Xbox One

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Thank you much for update size! :+1: really sad I gotta ask players because Turn 10 “can’t discuss update sizes/times until release” (actual answer from Turn 10 Support).

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You’re welcome! I’m happy I could help. :slight_smile: Also, PG you guys did an amazing job on how the suspension works with the Mercedes AMG 6×6!!! In GTA V, the 4 wheels in the back of the 6×6 didn’t move independently and only moved as one set of wheels. But in Forza Horizon 4, you guys managed to get all 4 wheels to move independently, which was just awesome!! I believe you’re also the first current racing game that has a vehicle with more than 4 wheels that can drive in it. Unless The Crew 2 has a vehicle I’m missing. Plus the star card feature was fixed for me too! This was a good update in my eyes. :smiley: I’m mega happy right now!


I worked for a computer game company, and we did a magazine interview, and the question was…

“Is it true that Arnold Schwarzenegger is in this game?”

and the reply was…

“I can’t tell you about that…yet!”

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