I tried a Few - Being a Street Race, and the fact there is massive understeer on this truck, I Found Coastal Charge to be the easiest, However I still knocked the difficulty down to New Racer. Thats how much I have to struggle with this Truck.
Earn 3 stars in total from Speed Traps with the #24 M-B Truck
This actually needs to be 3 stars on ONE Speed Trap. I tried 1 star on 3 traps, and combos, nothing worked until I got the Three star in one shot.
Use the Astmoor Speed Trap - 3 Stars for 140 MPH (Many Tunes out there, I have one as well that will work if you want)
Those are my Hints, Hope it Helps if you are struggling.
Shameless Self Promotion - Try my Tune - It will reach 180 on the Highway.
I tried to get as much understeer out as I could.
I think the wording on the third part of the Weekly challenge is wrong ‘Earn 3 stars in total from Speed Traps with the #24 M-B Truck’. I had to 3* the Wesloch Speed Trap (135 mph) using a S1 tune to get the challenge to pop. The upgrade cost over 100k. The clue is it says completion 0/1 implying there are not 3 single stars to get, but a single 3*.
For Chapter 2 of this week’s Forzathon challenges, you need to win 3 Street Scene events in the Mercedes racing truck, and l don’t know about you, and you will probably disagree with me when I say this (if you do, that’s fine), but this is one of the most ridiculous challenges ever dreamt up by anyone at Playground Games in Forzathon history. Allow me to explain why…
The Mercedes #24 Tankpool24 racing truck, thanks to its 5.5 TONNE weight, understeers like crazy, and because it has the aerodynamic properties of Buckingham Palace, it can easily get left in the dust on the straights by more aerodynamic cars of a similar PI.
And yet we’re expected to win 3 Street Scene events in it. Frankly, the thought of winning 3 Street Scene events in one of the most understeery vehicles in Horizon 4 is ludicrous, because of those understeer and straight line speed problems I mentioned earlier.
If you need to make an emergency swerve to avoid oncoming traffic during your attempts to (hopefully) get to the front of the pack, well, good luck with that. And don’t even think about taking corners very quickly either, because like I said, this thing UNDERSTEERS LIKE NOTHING ELSE IN THIS GAME. This means that you will need to slow down a LOT more to take the corner without under steering wildly into a ditch or wall than you would in a normal car, thus lessening your chances of ever making it to 1st place before you reach the finish.
Still, even though Playground Games seem to have pulled an LJN on this challenge, good luck to those who dare to take on the monumental challenge of trying to win 3 Street Scene events in the 1,000+hp, 5.5 tonne, 140 mph understeer machine that is the 2015 Mercedes-Benz #24 Racing Truck…
I also Uploaded a Tune for the Trial, so both the s Class Speed tune for the Speed Trap and a Tune for B Class on the Trial are up there. I took out as much Understeer as I could, but you may still need to ebrake a few corners. Won All three Races in the Trial with it. Probably just got Lucky