had a few cars in my garage… and some that i do not want… wanted to sold them to the game… but when i selected the car… there we’re no “sell” button for it… so in the bottom i saw that there was a feature saying delete the car from the garage. i did this thinking that it was the “sell button” but it actually isn’t… now i just lost my car… did not get any credits for it… what a absolute stupid feature… now turn 10 you owe me 242 000 cr. if i would have known that it did this… i would have send it to the auction house.
How does “delete” = “sell”
I perfectly understand the mistake but to take it to the next level: where you do something foolish and then the blame and responsibility is on someone else other then yourself. Not sure anyone can help you.
There is an Auction house to sell the vehicles. Delete is just what it means. Gone forever.
As others have pointed out, how could you think ‘Delete’ and ‘Remove Car From Garage’ meant anything but what they say? In no way whatsoever can they be interpreted as ‘Sell’ or anything like it.
It isn’t a stupid feature, Turn 10 owe you nothing and this is all your own fault, especially as you knew you could sell it through the auction house! The mind boggles sometimes.
You screwed up and it cost you 242.000 CR. Be thankful that it wasn’t more and move on.
understand your answers… but if i may… just to send the ball back… where did it also says that you will receive nothing for it… nowhere… if the game came with a manual explaining every feature there is… i would’ve known but since it don’t… it is sometimes a guessing to know what a specific feature does. therefore why can’t i send the blame on someone else. by the way… i usually speak french and my game is in french… but still i did the mistake not being sure about it. so you can critise my english… but i could easily critise your french.
When you click on remove car it says are you sure you want remove the car from your garage. Tell us where you saw it said Sell Your Car for Credits??? Its the same as forza 5 and Horizon 2.
I literally LOL’D at this. In the time it took to post your comment you could have earned $240,000. The delete feature is because there is usually a limit to the number of cars I your garage.
Buy a horizon edition car in the auction house that doubles your credits like the SRT viper. If you have VIP you also get double credits. With both you earn 400% credits. The horizon editions are expensive but with patience you can get one for $500,000 or so. Check the forum for more suggestions.
Also your English is fine, if people can understand you you’re gold. Thanks for learning enough English to join us
answer is simple… i did not play either of those… and i’m only returning to sim racing recently. i did not see any sell your cars for credits button… so i thought that maybe this one was it. i’m a smart guy… but hey sometimes mistake happens… and they could happen to anyone whose not sure.
thanks everyone for the answers… will help a lot in the future @ridetx : i did not have choice to learn english a lot… since at work i need to speak english for 90% of the time. gonna follow your tip and get me the SRT viper HE.
Best way to make XP (gains wheel spins) is to race as much as possible. This is easily accomplished at circuits issuing blueprint to up the lap count to what ever is tolerable for you.
My son only does about 10 laps or so (keeping the race down to 10-15 min) I usually do 25 laps or so.
If focus is on XP then reduce the difficulty of drivatars to new racer or just above that. XP is not affected by drivatar difficulty. And having them not around messing with you after 3 laps allows you to not rewind/ or hit anything keeping ultimate clean skills and allows you to keep skills chains going all of which affects your XP , fans and credits. Maybe even set up championship of 3 to 10 circuits.
When you get skills boost car (I use huracan HE) use that car and there is a renewable skill perk that gives 3x score to XP for skills performed. I often get more XP in skills then the race actually gives.
The method above allows me to go through races and complete differing tracks and progress with out the feeling of grinding. Also helps with becoming Very familiar with the circuits which will help you on line and rivals
Of course there is also the Goliath circuit that is 28miles long. When doing that one a s2 or faster car is beneficial. I do a lap in just under 10min so 2 laps 20min race, or 4 laps in 40min
there is something i don’t understand here, you are talking about circuits issuing blueprints to up the lap count… what are those ? i don’t reckon having seen this.
do you have an example for me ?
Sorry I missed your question. I had a misspelling. I use blue print to create exhibition or championship with circuits/ scrambles that I like for the car I want to use and the number of laps. I would like to race.
I have a championship that I created at Goliath that is 10 events and 500 miles.
If you have not used the blueprint feature i suggest becoming familiar with it. When you go to a race select blueprint on the left. Pick car type and then you can modify number of laps/ weather/ and time of day.
That’s a lot of laps at Goliath!
I’d be too scared of something going wrong with xbox to do that.
Awesome job! Most I do is 5 laps. I’m usually some where around 9:45 per lap in PTG Jamie tune in S2.
One of my favorite tracks for skills is rolling meadows right next to Yarra Valley festival I kill it on skill points there in Huracan HE
Yeah, that 20-lap race was likely a one-time deal. I noticed an occasional stutter throughout the last six laps, it’s a wonder I was even able to complete it! Some players have gotten away with 50-lappers there, though, so that’s why I attempted 20 laps. I normally only do 10 laps and never have a problem there, so I’ll go back to that! You could probably do 10 Goliath laps safely if you have time, but I wouldn’t advise doing more than that.
You and I think alike! LOL! I also do New Racer difficulty, I also drive the Huracan HE and I also use that same perk you mentioned! I did yesterday a 20 lap Goliath race and earned over 3.2 million XP, going from level 477 to level 518. Levels beyond 300 require more XP to level up. That race took me 4:13:57 which, at over 12.5 minutes per lap average, is slow for S1, but that’s because I focused heavily on skills to get more XP, and skills (especially drifting) can slow you down, that’s why I do New Racer difficulty. I got plenty of credits in the bank, so I’m not interested in raising difficulty- in fact, I still got 2.7 million credits for that race, thanks to still getting a 35% bonus for certain assists off, as well as a renewable perk that doubles the base credit payout for one exhibition race.
Yeah no pretty handy feature IMO, you just need to be more careful before you click something… After multiple tries in the auction with selling 2 DLC cars I didn’t want I decided just to get rid of them like this.
I feel your pain Op i did something kinda similar a couple days ago. I bought 3 of the same car from the auction house for 200k each thinking i could sell them in my garage since it does show credits down the bottom left iirc only to find out the only way to sell a car is through the auction house, luckily i sold all 3 within a few hours and broke even.