Rivals: ghosts only sometimes appear?

Since online racing is impossible to enjoy (rammers) I mostly spend my precious Forza 6 time doing Rivals.

I’ve noticed that very often, there is no ghost. This is a problem that was already annoying me in Forza 5 but to my surprise it’s still present in Forza 6.


  • Often you can’t set a user as rival in the list. The option simply doesn’t appear.
  • When I do get a rival ghost, after I beat him the ghost doesn’t update to the one of the new rival to beat
  • Regularly there’s no ghost at all

What’s the scoop with this? Is it just me? I’d like for there to ALWAYS be a ghost. Especially when running on ‘hardcore’ (all assists including driving line off) this is pretty helpful.

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im having a similar problem with rivals. after beating the time with the ghost my time does not get posted.

I also see another issue relevant to this. If I am doing a RIVAL and chose to RESTART the RIVAL, on the RESTART there is NO GHOST. This happens everytime so far (was it designed this way?).

Rivals was much better on FM5 and FH2. When you beat your rival it gave you the option to stop and collect your winning and then press X to challenge the next rival. At this point it would load the next rival. Surely this is an error and not a new design.