Tune is shared now, tinkered with it a bit more and had some luck on the run, managed a 1:37.781 with it.
Apologies in advance to the auto users that try it, it can be annoying + ruin a run if it gets itself bogged down by deciding to short shift into 4th on some of the early corners.
Nice - I think that is just quicker than Edward in the R390 from when I looked earlier. Might be out of reach of the Focus, albeit I haven’t learnt the track yet so might well get down to that with some track knowledge.
I for one don’t mind the notifications coming through, if I have time i normally give it a quick try, especially as a few of them are in the lower classes and ones I ran a year or so ago, hence they are in auto with all assists on .
Plus as you say, it’s all pratice.
Yeah, it’s funny when I run against my own times in those cases bc I find that either I’ve improved considerably overall or I was just really lousy to begin with
Can’t get anywhere near that using my current tune (doubtful I could wit another one btw ).
I hope to have time enough to test both my stock and V8 engine versions.
I broke 1:40 in 458 without looking at anyone’s ghost, that was today’s goal. started at 1:42 with @TheGillesMuller tune, then ran TheDannny tune with rally tires for comparison and got a bump from extra power. next round I see what (better) lines everyone else is running
It’s a tough course as there are a lot of places where you can hit stones etc which slow you down, so you have to figure out where they are. However, when I had a bit of time last night and started to get used to it, I thought it actually has a really good “flow”. I do give them a lot of credit for how they put together the Rally Adventure courses.
Anyway, my tune for F355 is now shared.
name: tapas, SC: 507 685 899
There is some time left, maybe 2:25. I don’t know if that line before roundabout is good or not, I just can’t make the car turn enough if I use road entry.
fun fact: current setup is 0.2sec faster to 60/100mph than any other of my setups. Like, if I move any slider in tuning menu (gearbox, diff, tire pressure, etc.), it automatically jumps to slower acceleration time. I don’t remember tuning menu being that sensitive.
edit: IDK, now that shared tune is showing those “worse” acceleration times. It should be 2.7 and 6.4.
edit2: checked in rivals event, there it shows correctly