Stuff like ramming, t-boning, etc. is why I only play the “introductory” lobby on FM6 MP
Crashing is fun, its part of the game. Especially when it gets whiners to create a thread like this.
I find the Hummer is most effective for this - you just wait in the lobby with a regular car and 5 seconds before the race starts, boom - drop in the H2 and let the fun begin.
On a good T-bone first turn, I can usually take out 5-7 cars in one shot.
Its good fun
LOL ! The funniest thing of all is all the whiners who think T-10 will do something about it, it’s the same whining every time a new racing game is released.
Welcome to the multiplayer crack party races, there will never be any change, learn to live with it or leave it, I leave multiplayer myself after Forza 4.
This is why I wont join a public room. I race with people I know. I have been gaming for decades and the situation is the same. You have the ultra serious; the complete immature and most fit in between.
Its a shame as good players dont always get hooked up in a room. I agree to a certain extent there is a learning curve to a new game. I have found driving cars in career mode where I get way to happy into a corner and take out cars due to my stupidity. But there are those of us that have been around long enough to see its clear when others are not playing in the true spirit of the game. I dont might a good fight for a corner. An occasional punting happens (not thrilling but an apology goes a long way). But when you see some of the garbage noted in this thread…meh, its just not worth the frustration of dealing with the immature.
Those that do enjoy a good race (with lines and racers agreement of courtesy) should be putting our names in a thread versus “hating” on the people that drag down the experience. This would allow the “good” (or at least the polite) to hang around and side step some of the tom foolery. Plus if such a thread exists the proud of their skills would have no issue. I also think that thread should be governed somehow that if a person is on it and does not adhere to the true spirit they can be addressed directly.
For me, pretty much every multiplayer race becomes a demolition derby. Very annoying…
I want the public searchable lobbies back! It worked great in fm 2 and fm 4. And gained some friends. But it looks like we have to wait until all the party crashers are being put in the same lobbies so that the clean racers can race together. But in still missing the user hosted lobbies, bring those back t10!
I tried my very first few online races today. C class beginner kind of stuff. I suck. I guess I don’t understand because the rest of the cars in my races were ghost cars that could pass right through my car. They never spun me out or caused me any damage though, and I think that may be a setting I’m using?? I tried to race very cleanly, and in 3 races finished last each time. The ONLY time I’d move up was when somebody quit the race! I’ll learn.
Some lobbies are no collision. I actually kind of enjoyed running my self off the road for a change of pace.
The ability to kick people is amazing. Whenever I’m on a good lobby where the majority of people have mics. There’s always a call out:
- “[enter username here] has been running me off the course for the past three races”
-“Yeah, he’s been doing the same to me too” - “Same here, group vote: should we kick him?”
Then he’s gone a second later. So far having a lot of fun on multiplayer, besides people voices kicking in and out once the racing starts, and this vote to kick thing is definitely helping it become fun
Yea guys everyone seems to think that is race is to the first corner then after a major crash and somehow you make it through only to be rammed of the road. I thiught when 24 cars were going to be racing each othe I was excited then I remembered that most of the times in Forza online is riddleded with awful players. Turn 10 need a system that records impacts is able to determine who fault accidents are and tale action like a stewards inquirery . then the question is how to punish them ? I feel so sad that this Forza is about online but the whole experiance is ruined .Im sticking to ghost races , keeps me from trading in the game.
We need a Demolition Derby game-type solely for these buggers to get them out of our racing sessions.
Every single X class (F1) race I’ve played so far has just been absolute chaos. Why can’t the rest of the classes be similar to the C class introductory category, where all cars are in ghost mode so you don’t run the risk of hitting someone else around a bend? I was in first position today in an X class race, and then suddenly I was hit off the track by a sore loser that I was over-lapping. I ended up finishing fifth.
When this happens, and when there’s a pile-up at the beginning of a race because some drivers don’t know how to apply their brakes, it can be disheartening. I love the Forza franchise, and I enjoy playing in the X class game-type because it’s fast-paced, but there are some drivers that should stick to playing in the lower racing categories.
Okay…so I went to the Big Boy races to see what all the fuss is about and there’s little doubt that there is an element out there with the sole intent of creating havoc and crashes. In the Elite Class I saw a bunch of new blue 2017 Ford GT’s that seemed to run together slamming into anyone they could. Honestly, an approach to a corner had one of them going at full throttle wiping out the cars stacked up to make the turn. For me, it’s more fun to compete and try to drive the cleanest race I can, while getting the highest finish I can. Creating mayhem doesn’t look like much fun.
And this is why I don’t play online. Someone playing WITHIN THE RULES OF THE GAME should not be targeted by other players. This is not F1. There is no rule against contact. If Turn 10 wanted to take measures against contact, then they would, but, again, this is not F1. If you don’t want contact, play in ghost races. I’m not talking about people driving backwards on the tracks, but if you don’t want rubbing, play a mode where it can’t happen, petition Turn 10 to create a mode where it is penalized, deal with it, or play a different game. Reporting people for playing the game in a way that is perfectly allowed, but not the way YOU want to play it, makes you the bad guy, not them. Racing without contact isn’t racing. It’s just hot-lapping with other cars on the track.
Playing the game in a disruptive manner, like intentionally crashing people is NOT “perfectly allowed” - it IS a violation of the Xbox Live Code of Conduct for unsportsmanlike behavior.
If you encounter Conduct or Content that violates the Microsoft Code of Conduct, don’t retaliate with prohibited Conduct or Content. Instead, you can:
File a complaint (See Xbox Support for Xbox One, or Xbox Support for Xbox 360)
Give offending player(s) negative feedback Xbox Support
Mute offending player(s) (See Xbox Support for Xbox One, or Xbox Support for Xbox 360)
Use the Block Communications feature (See Xbox Support for Xbox One, or Xbox Support for Xbox 360)
Use the Avoid This Player feature Xbox Support
Adjust your privacy settings to avoid seeing unwanted content Xbox Support
Thats the dumbest thing Ive read in a while I think. Rubbing is racing, agreed. Crashing into and hence sending the other driver off the track is NOT OK in any form of racing. Crashing into the car infront of beside you because you can’t drive, don’t know how to behave on the track, judge your speed or brakes are not, and they should not be on the track either.
Deliberate wrecking should be dealt with a ban for a while to the offender can reflect on his or her behaviour. Or for that matter play something else, like mario-kart for instance. This is racing, winning is everything. First corner heroes should be kicked out of the lobby, but that seems impossible to do.
Online is pointless… Your average players love carnage. So T10 add more players per game to give them what they want.
Wow, I was admittedly dismissive of the issue during the early access because I didn’t see a lot of what I’d call “intentional” crashing. Some mistakes yes, and even a little bit of butthurt passive aggression, but today has just been unreal by comparison. Why even buy the game if that’s your only goal? I don’t understand. I haven’t had a single good race all day because every lobby is filled with these… invalids. Yes, I have been blocking and reporting them all as they come, but this is just ridiculous already.
I sure wish the vote to kick feature worked too, I tried it a couple times and literally nothing happened.
Just keep the reports a flowing on these losers. Hopefully they get bored or get skilled enough to actually drive cleanly.
I agree with some of you that there should be a decent matching system in this game. It would help drivers like me a bit too. I’m quite honestly worried about racing multiplayer at times, as I’m no top leaderboard racer, and I do make mistakes at times, and many of the more elite racers get pissed off at drivers that do make a mistake here and there. And then there’s the instances of even me getting upset because I’m trying to race, and some others want to just wreck cars.
I think there should be some tiered matching system for different skill levels to work through, and for the deliberate demolition derby guys, they could be forced down into a separate lobby(through a voting/reporting system, or some sort of in game monitoring system). The separate lobby idea would be like the system a few MMOs employ to contain cheaters/hackers/and those that just enjoy annoying others as part of their daily routine.
Would help save really skilled drivers and people like me from clashing, and would save us all from the guys just smashing cars like a 2yo with their toy cars.