Relax - it is really good

So far it’s a downgrade at almost every turn except the amount of cars and the weather stuff

multiplayer is lacking as hell and a majority of people are just hanging out in private lobbies (if you can find people for it) or playing singleplayer

so no point for most people to try multiplayer more than a few times, try out the 6 racing presets a few times and then get bored by the repetitiveness of that restriction

not to mention more people than ever just have all their assists on because no default credit bonus for disabled/soft assists - only with mods

which seems to be the general strategy this time around “no automatic rewards - only with mods - even VIP”

because can’t sell crates when you got too many automatic rewards, and with the micro-transactions incoming you can really see the intention here

No ‘restart race’ option is stupid as hell, how was that a thing for 9 forza games (including horizon) but then suddenly “nah man - who needs it”

no drivatars in private lobbies is making the multiplayer experience even more limited, you pretty much need to know a ton of people/be a streamer to enjoy multiplayer right now

especially since there are no custom public lobbies! i mean jesus - did they really think “hey let’s force people to play these 6 presets over and over again and they’ll be happy”

i miss class races

and no test drive option in tuning

But yea, it’s really good

nice shilling there