Simply put: make the mirrors reflect realistically, and show the rear of the interior & rear window not just fictional rear pointed cameras that see behind the car. This implies loading the full interior, which would in turn mean you should be able to turn around in cockpit view and see out of the rear window as well.
It’s very clear that when racing, prior Forza games only load the front 180° of the interior. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that rear/side view mirrors don’t show the interior of the car. In fact, they don’t even show the car at all, and instead act as fictional cameras pointed towards the rear, seeing through the car rather than actual mirrors reflecting what’s actually there. I.E. the side of the car & the rear of the interior.
This is further evidenced by the fact that all prior Forza games have had this irksome issue that when trying to look to the side of your car while in interior view, there will come a point when it just cuts to a side view where you car and interior is nowhere to be seen, & instead is just a camera view from the side of your car, and the same story goes for the rear.
Few things take me out of the immersion of racing first person than looking towards the back of my car and suddenly being thrown out of interior view into this rear facing camera.
Many people probably like this because it’s obviously easier to see out of, but I know the Series X is strong enough to have the entire 3D interior loaded while racing first person, and in my opinion, the more options the better, so adding a “360 interior” option &/or a “realistic mirrors” option in the settings menu would be tremendously appreciated!
Welp, according to this Gamescom screen cap, the mirrors will still not show actual reflections and will instead just act as a rear facing camera. I assume this only means you won’t be able to turn around in cockpit view and see the rear of the interior either, bummer…
Remove anything in the window view when using the cockpit view.
EG the window net in the FormulaDrift BMW M2. Cool idea, terrible when drifting from the cockpit.
Well if that’s what the car actually has I feel like it should all be visible from the mirrors & rear view. Part of the challenge of driving many cars (like the countach) is the low visibility.
Such a simple idea and yet it gets surprisingly complicated to implement when you think about it. As much as I’d like to see it, it will likely never happen until they overhaul the car models.
To clarify. It’s not about loading only the front of the car. Shadows are cast from the rear and RT reflections can show behind the driver. Instead, it’s an issue caused by using a render to texture method with a camera that’s either behind the car, or specifically set to not render the player car.
Why not just use RT reflections instead then? Because the angle of car mirrors and their normals (the direction light bounces off them) would not have been modelled with accurate reflections from the drivers pov in mind. You may see the passenger seat or the roof instead of the rear window, for example. Fixing this would require touching up all the hundreds of car models available.
Alternatively they could still use the render to texture method and just move the camera to the position of each mirror and enable rendering of the player car. But this would still require editing each car in the game by hand.
The sheer scale involved in even minor alterations to hundreds of vehicles is a key reason behind many suggestions never being implemented.
Fascinating! Is that why GT is able to do things like this, using their VR headset? Pretty certain all of their models have been remade in the past few years, so it would make sense that they’d make them with this in mind.
What aspect of this is more difficult though? Functional mirrors or being able to turn around in your POV and see the full interior?
Being able to turn around should be easy enough, but I doubt it’s a priority.
Nothing needs to be set up for the individual cars, although there may be issues with some cars having different seating positions not being accounted for without manual tweaking