Realistic Car Prices (with some rare cars available as prizes/spotlight rotation)

This is where we fundamentally disagree. It’s not the same exact championship because I’m using a different car, and I’m using a car I want to drive.

I’m progressing towards owning and driving more cars, and my challenge is pushing the car further against the AI, and against the chronometre. Which to me is exactly what a racing game should be about.

This idea carrots need to be constantly dangled means the game ceases to be about the simple joy of driving, and starts being about filling XP bars and ticking checkboxes. Again, that’s not what racing is about to me.

And I’m going to reuse the same argument for “bonding”. You’re not going to make me care about a car with a spec sheet or a history lesson. You’re not going to make me car with scarcity or by making me drive other cars a bunch to unlock it. The only way I’m going to feel something is where rubber meets the road, pedal to the metal, flirting with the edge of the track.

That’s all the reward I need in a racing game.


I don’t think other car games show a lot of thought and effort goes into pricing either. It’s always more horsepower = more expensive, or more rare in real life = more expensive.

And because people naturally equate price with quality, you have this idea that a Jesko is intrinsically better than a Miata, even though you can certainly derive more fun pushing the latter to its limits for a tenth of the budget of the former.


Yes, just imagine what uproar would Forza cause if car prices were raised all of a sudden to be “realistic” :smiley:

The idea for this game is simple (and akin to Project CARS): we are given priceless classic race cars to actually race them, even on day one with featured multiplayer events, instead of staring at them in showrooms and grinding money for weeks/months to buy them (unless you’re kindly willing to use microtransactions, naturally…).

Heck, we don’t even have to buy cars, as everything is rental, and you can even earn money by test driving loaned vehicles, and I love it. Gran Turismo would never allow that :smile:

So my counter-suggestion to OP is: let Forza stay Forza and play Gran Turismo to have Gran Turismo things :wink:


I disagree, I’ve never heard of a game with licensed cars pricing cars by horsepower. Nor solely on rarity either. (a lot of rare cars, are rare because they’re cheap crappy disposable cars that are 95% in junkyards). Most car games do some mild research and price cars based on real world prices, tweaking things here and there to make it easier, or whatever.

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So…why even have credits at all then? Why not just make everything free? That’s following the logical conclusion to your “don’t make me wait to drive the cars I want” mentality.

Forza isn’t a sim game like BeamNG where you just spawn in whatever you want. Sim-cades are games. Games are meant to have earnings & prizes.

However if that’s what you want just rent cars on freeplay. It’s that simple.

My counter to your counter is a price scaler so people who like a challenging progression can have it, rather than me & him having to fake car prices by buying and selling expensive cars until we’ve spent what we feel like a car should actually be worth. Then for those who like the payout style of Forza Horizon can have that too.

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Okay, that seems fair :smiley:

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Again, a very good question. Why have credits at all?

I obviously disagree that games are “meant to have earnings & prizes”. A good game shouldn’t need multiple layers of currencies and unlocks. It should be able to stand on it gameplay loop alone, and still leave you wanting for more.

Problem being modern game design took the “leave you wanting for more” part as an invitation to lock everything behind some arbitrary system only to slowly dripfeed content you’ve already paid for. It does technically leave you wanting for more, and it’s very effective at that, but when you take a step back you might realise it’s not actually engaging gameplay. No, it’s just an addiction mechanic.

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Imagine playing minecraft and wondering why you don’t just have all of the Diamond armor/tools, a working farm, several red stone contraptions & magic potions at the start of the game.

Want to know why nobody wonders that?

Because that’s the point of a game.

To start with nothing, and play your way towards earning cool things that help you in the game. That’s like the basic fundamental of almost every game ever made.

Otherwise you’re just asking for a sandbox so you can just spawn whatever you want in, whenever you want, or a sim title like (once again) BeamNG, where the point is simulating physics so you spawn whatever you need to do the desired physics simulation.

No Forza game, including back in 2005 (which is by no means “modern addiction based gaming”) had this radical idea that there’s no point in earning cars. Forza is the wrong franchise for you if you don’t enjoy literally any semblance of a progression system whatsoever and just want immediate access to everything day 1. That’s not Forza. That entire concept is absurd to me as someone who’s been playing since Forza MotorSport 2. Forza has always been about racing to earn credits (and now XP too) which you use to buy things.

I’d like to point out the existence of Creative Mode in Minecraft. Because for some people, the point of the game is just building stuff.

Maybe for some people Forza is just about racing, end of sentence. Not racing to get credits. Not racing to get XP. Not racing to buy stuff. Just racing. Possibly with as many different cars and builds as possible.

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Well thank the Good Lord above you’re able to do that style of “racing without a cause” no matter what the cars cost right?! You and I both know that changing the car cost to realistic rates will not affect your gameplay one bit, especially once parts are unlocked right off the bat which should be Turn10’s next move.

That’s not entirely true if the cars are too expensive to get. The payouts currently really don’t support million dollar cars.

Most cars would go down in price or stay where they are currently. Some would increase, and that’s why I said weekly rotating discounts on expensive (1 million +) cars as well as adding these cars as prizes in series and single events like endurance races. Besides you’ll get to enjoy racing as usual anyways, shouldn’t effect the love of driving one single bit. Hell they add an auction house back and you’ll only have to do a race or two

Creative mode in Minecraft is a sandbox. Forza is not a sandbox. You’re playing the wrong franchise. Forza has never, and will never be that.

I don’t even advocate for across the board making car’s prices more realistic because not everyone wants that. We’re never going to rally people together to make a game harder. The only sensible compromise solution is to add an option to scale payouts/car prices, as I’ve posted before.

Agree to disagree. When I have half a billion credits in FH5, it kinda feels like a sandbox to me.

I do agree with the slider concept, even though I wonder how they would actually implement that. Especially since the system right now is so jacked up that raising the prices with the cars as is would get some close to their real world prices but others not so much.

FH5 definitely is the sandbox game, Motorsport is more seriously structured (at least it used to be)

You have to actually work for $500 million though. I’ve had the game for years and most I’ve ever had at one time is like $50 million.

Just like in minecraft after playing enough in survival mode and getting everything to need you can basically build like you could in creative mode as well. You just needed to, yanno…earn it.

I naturally played the game for 700+ hours, doing weekly challenges for cars and wheelspins, and then freeroaming up and down that volcano just for fun. I certainly didn’t have to go out of my way to do 30 laps in a R5 Turbo to get it eligible for career.

I should say FM7 wasn’t very different there either. It may not have handed out quite as much cash and cars through weeklies and level ups, but it handed out plenty of it. Which is positive to me.