Realistic Car Prices (with some rare cars available as prizes/spotlight rotation)

Ok. I get it. You want to cap cars at $500k. But, why does that have to come at the cost of completely butchering the pricing of everything? Cars that were worth under $500k in prior Forzas have little to no pricing change, whereas others are arbitrarily discounted 85-99.9%!!!

The Mercedes Benz 300 SLR has always been one of the most expensive cars in the game. You’d think that means it would cost 500,000 credits, right? Nope. They just took off some zeros until it was under 500k & changed the price from 143 MILLION to 143 THOUSAND. Yes. This once special, & rare car now costs about the same as a 6 year old base model GT-R. Why?

Furthermore, a car like the FXX-K which was 2.7 million in FH5, & about $3 Million irl, is now 245k. Whereas the SF90 which is about $500k in real life (couldn’t be purchased through the Autoshow) is $404k??? Even the FXX-K Evo, F50, F40, GTO, 330 P4, & Testa Rossa are cheaper! Not to mention, the Ferrari 250 GTO, which was historically ALWAYS one of the most expensive cars in Forza! It’s now only 160k? Why?

Why not at least make the formerly multi-million credit cars all 500k credits? Or shrink the cheaper cars down proportionally? This is completely arbitrary based on no logic & frankly embarrassing.

Look at how non-sensical the changes are from prices in FH5. This NEEDS to be fixed, even if T10 is insistent on the silly $500k credit cap.

1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR: 99.9% discounted. 143 Mil to 143k.

2013 Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG: 40% increased. 45k to 91k.

A Mercedes A-class hatchback is now worth 62% the price of one of the most expensive cars IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.

1966 Ford GT40: 97.5% discounted. 11 Mil to 276k

1987 Ford Sierra Cosworth: only 7.5% changed. 66k to 71k

Why are some car’s prices completely gutted, while others are raised for no reason (88k for a 5 year old Mustang GT???) & others are mildly (if at all) tweaked? I could go on for DAYS with absurd examples, but this is quite frankly ridiculous. There was no clearly no effort put into the pricing. 6 years was obviously not a long enough time to figure it out, so I hope it’s fixed in a future patch. PLEASE.

The Dodge Stealth R/T is 75,000cr. That’s more than a '64 Aston Martin DB5 or a '69 Mustang Boss 302.

Stealths in real life are easily found for under $10,000.

The Mustang Boss 302 is typically $100,000 & the DB5 is at LEAST $600,000 in real life.

Once again. WHERE is the logic?

Why is the Stealth so absurdly expensive?

Why is the Boss 302 & DB5 only 1,000cr apart in price?

What is going on???

If there is one thing I’ve noticed right off the bat is it’s way too easy to get cars really fast.

The new CarXP system makes it so credits stack at an extremely high rate since you don’t use credits for upgrades anymore. The most expensive car can now be purchased after a few races online. I thought this game was supposed to last a decade or so it was said? We need to have something to progress towards and with the suggestions below this game could last while giving a greater since of accomplishment.

Thankfully wheel spins died so the issue isn’t exacerbated.

Here’s my suggestions for adjusting the system:

  • Place all cars in the game to their real world prices

-Rotate high end (1 million credit plus) cars 1 or 2 per week into the spotlight weekly (25% discount for those who want to get the cars quicker)

-Add high end (1 million plus) cars and appropriate cars as prizes in big career series and endurance races. Example: Le Mans 24 hour race: Ferrari 250 GTO or Aston Martin DBR1 as prize.

Bonus: fade out or just show silhouette of prize cars for championship/series/endurance prizes to make it more interesting for players. You can even do 3 cars as prizes and give the player one after each win which will substantially increase replay ability!!! (Player wins 1 car per attempt, guaranteed to win all 3 different cars in random order)

Turn 10 the sky is the limit here with making this game extremely rewarding and long lasting.

We can all thank the carpg system for this. Guessing the idea was you would buy a car cheaply then have to grind to upgrade/level it up after. Priceless gems that never get modified had to get their prices chopped to fit the system, absolutely sucks


So epic, now instead of working hard for a Bugatti, we can work hard to get…weight reduction.

Haha yeah exactly. And like I listed in my thread I just made, there are definitely ways to ease the pain of those who hate paying real world prices. It would be so satisfying to win these as a hard earned prize or gain enough credits to buy them outright


Car points need to be removed and go back to credits. Then maybe nerf credits so you still need to grind for credits.

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BEEN saying this! Glad I’m not the only one!

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I don’t see this as a problem. Sure, prices don’t make real-world sense but why should they? That’s the beauty of videogaming. You can own and drive a 300 SLR, and you don’t even need to be a dictator.


I don’t see any objective reason rare real world cars should be rare in games. For that matter, none of these rare cars have a realistic price in real life either. The 250 GTO is a great, beautiful car, but its worth is driven by scarcity alone, and scarcity need not apply here.

Career already has a built-in incentive for replayability: buy a new car and have fun driving it. With the current CXP system, that also means leveling it up, but even without that, it’s a good excuse to buy a Supra and drive it, and then do the series again with the RX-7, and so on.

That’s the only sense of accomplishment I need.


Because it completely removes the feeling of satisfaction from earning a special or rare car. If this is your take, why have cars cost anything? It’s a video game after all.

If T10 is gonna give 85-99.9% discounts on cars when compared to the prior games, why even have prices at all?

And if that IS your take, that’s fine. It’s fine to have the take that car prices should be cheap or free or whatever. But the pricing in this game is completely arbitrary, thoughtless & lazy. Don’t defend this clear lack of effort.

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Then why have car prices at all? Should Forza just completely abandon its roots of requiring effort to own cars to appease those who just want to be able to spawn whatever they want into their garage whenever they want to like you can in BeamNG?


Well like I said in my post, all these “rare” cars won’t be rare in the game if they use my guidelines. We can have cake and eat it too.

Redoing the same exact championships over and over again is the boring, especially since the AI behave the same way every time but you do you. There is no progress toward anything significant after the first run as of right now.

BTW I can definitely tell you the Ferrari 250 GTO is NOT priced just on rarity alone. The car is rare but also has a racing pedigree from an iconic manufacturer, as well as iconic wins in its class. It’s also beautiful and handmade which makes it more desirable. These are the kind of things the game doesn’t teach you which in and of itself is sad. We are supposed to “bond” with cars when the game doesn’t teach anything about them as individuals.

I want to be able to work toward those cars and not own them all within a few hours. It’s funny they say they didn’t want this game to be “car Pokémon” but that is exactly what these unrealistically low prices do. I can imagine that if I wasn’t manually controlling my credits I could already afford every hyper car in the game with less than 30 races under my belt. No sense of challenge or progress, it’s the exact same problem FH5 has even without wheel spins.

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Didn’t gt7 tie cars to real world prices that would fluctuate and there was uproar over it?


I think GT7 started with that if I’m not mistaken. Evidently the credit payout is super low in that game too though. It feels about right in this one.

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This was my garage one day into the game just out of spite haha (to be fair I have 2x payout for being VIP but I digress)

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Yep VIP bonus here too, and I can confirm that credits build very very fast in this game. You can easily lose track of what you have with a few matches of multiplayer.

I’ve actually been buying and then selling cars at the discount to undo some of the credits buff lol. I hate that I don’t have a high priced car to climb towards with these x2 VIP credits. They’re absolutely pointless

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ME TOO, I bought all of those Jeskos to just get rid of all of my money and starting from scratch. Just bought 5 more and sold them to off set the fact a 300SL was like $80k :roll_eyes:

Yeah it just feels extremely cheap to me, I personally like the feeling of climbing up to higher and more expensive cars. When you get a Jesko after 1 series the car becomes just another car. It’s a freaking Jesko, I know it’s a game but it’s just disrespectful to the car guy in me. A car like that should be a challenge to acquire.

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1000% agree. This is a terrible overcorrection from GT7’s “grind for three days for $100,000” economy lmao. A lot of people like the super easy economy though that’s why I proposed a difficulty scaler on prices

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