Every single time I try to enter into online adventure I see a screen where I have accept the join invite, I do that, and then im taken to a screen where it says 1/12 players, it usually then goes up to 11/12 players and then says something along the lines of “Not enough players to join the session, finding a new session”. The game has no problem joining normal team adventures but this one is just impossible for it. I have sat there waiting for 15-20 minutes as it goes and tries to find a new session but am still getting 11/12 players and then “not enough players” [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D].
A couple things to note:
-I am on Xbox One
-There is no alert to accept when going into normal online adventure
-I am trying to get into the “racing” ranked adventure.
-it only takes about 10 seconds to get into standard team adventure.
Is this a problem with their servers? Are any of you guys able to get into ranked team adventure? How are some people able to get into it?