Random downshifts while drifting or driving in general

I’m sure a lot of people have said something but random downshifts have been happening more and more for me and a lot of my friends while drifting and cruising it’ll all of a sudden go from say 5 to 1 and then when you try and rewind it will only rewind you about 10ft. I’ve tried restarting uninstalling and reinstalling the game resetting wifi and nothings changed the games also been slowing down mid drift and then speeding back up while drifting too. You’d think with this game being out for so long they’d fix this but since this has been a big for almost six to eight months now.

Such an annoying issue. Hope they fix it although they probably won’t.


I have noticed this happen during online server refresh or sometime when the game switches itself from horizon life to solo due to connection issues.
There are many times I would doubt myself when cruising whether I shifted early or not.

This issue and the controller randomly disconnecting are seriously game-breaking and annoying. The game was much more polished before IMO.


I have the same problem, I haven’t been able to solve it for 4 months, I reinstalled the game, even changed computer components, and the whole problem is horizon life and solo

I have noticed it happens more often in online free roaming with other players as opposed to solo as well so it’s probably related to this though the online severs

I’ve had this issue before, but I’m really convinced it’s actually caused by Steam Input if you have that running in the background. No idea why, but it will continue to manipulate non-steam games if the steam us actually running. I’ve been able to disable for specific games to their own domain, but randomly decides to turn on without notice. Small chance when restarting.

Players experiencing this issue, we’ve marked this issue as Need-Info; please provide video clips wherever possible.

Would it be possible to provide a video of this?

Thank you

We are closing out this issue, The developers have noted this issue as not occurring anymore or unable to reproduce.

If you are still experiencing this issue you can create a new topic. Please link this topic in the new topic for reference and provide video/screenshots to help the investigation.

At the time of closing this topic had 11 votes.

Thank you,