Before I get to my observation I just want to say that most racing games are guilty of this!
So, having just played the demo of FM7 for the first time on Xbox I’ve noticed something that I’m a little disappointed by. I drove the Nurburgring using the cockpit view. It starts off well. The the rain starts, drops fall on the windscreen & the wipers start working … all good! On the second lap the rain stops and the sun attempts to come out.
This is where my gripe starts. The rain has stopped & there are no longer rain particles on the windscreen. Yet, I’m following a car in front which is kicking up spray on a wet track. There should still be water drops falling on the screen, but there aren’t any!
This is a bugbear of mine, am I nitpicking? How do others feel about this?
Yes, you’re nitpicking. But you’re also not the only person who’s picked this particular nit, if that’s any consolation. I’m personally indifferent about the spray not hitting the windshield, but if it did it’d probably be too clean and that would slightly bug me.
Yeah I was pretty disappointed with FM6 that the spray from cars in front of you doesn’t spray extra water onto the camera lens. That is always a mini heart attack (even at low speeds) and its not present at all.
Honestly, they could have used this as a tell for if you are drafting or not. Drafting would mean you have no kick up on the windshield…
Also, assume that this is something that can be patched in, Like how there used to be no shift animations, and they were patched in. This seems like an EASY fix in comparison.
One other thing to realize, you can adjust the amount of time it takes for weather to cycle, so it won’t seem like after the first raindrop falls, you have to avoid kiddie pools full of water.